@LithopsStories I've already got a few Adromischus marianae herrei plants, I just haven't found a plantlet ever. Is it just this one that can get them or can other species too?
#vsco #vscocam #vscophile #rareplants #myplants #euphorbia #echeveria #astrophytum #adromischus #pachypodium #adenium #pottery #terracotta #whiteghost #astrophytumasteriasnudum #adromischusmarianaeherrei #echeveriaminima #euphorbiaesculenta #euphorbiaglobosa #growlight #endangeredspecies #pachypodiumrosulatum #justgoshoot #oakland #california
Adromischus marianae Shop Now ➡️ https://t.co/dj4ndJWEZV https://t.co/F3iA4XHPo7 https://t.co/xUeqOSkmPM
Adromischus marianae Herrei, a really weird and crazy Crassula relative from South Africa. This one is flowering, and the stalk has made the right side branch curve in a really unusual manner! __________ #vsco #vscocam #vscophile #vscox #myplants #rarepl… https://t.co/y7cDMcSFYs https://t.co/dwlkpahxq6
#SouthernCalifornia Inter-City #Cactus and #Succulent Show @LAArboretum. #Adromischus marianae f. herrei (first place winner) https://t.co/iLHgmCQh3o
Adromischus marianae f. kubusanum SB1382 Kuboos Small and extremely attractive. アドロミスクス・マリアナエ f. クブサヌム 小さな植物ですが曇天でもうっとりとする美しさ。 #アドロミスクス #アドロミスクスマリアナエ #adromischus #adromischusmarianae https://t.co/4PXd3LfdNa
Adromischus marianae var Immaculatus— one of the huge number of variations on this species, this is my favorite of them. ________ #vsco #vscocam #vscophile #vscox #myplants #rareplants #raresucculents #succulentaddict #多肉植物 #塊根植物 #adromischus #i… https://t.co/KwwxIuuszB https://t.co/VhGSGFjf5m
Adromischus marianae 'Little Spheroid' for #FoliageFriday. When I bought this plant last year it lost most of its leaves in the post so I have a lot of cuttings. I put them into their own pots this week. They have nice chunky roots. #succulents #adromischus https://t.co/FgNF6dsDL3
Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus (aka. A. marianae herrei) - a fantastic, bumpy little succulent. (Image: Jason Chen) #bcss #succulents #adromischus https://t.co/wwHYajRTqG
I found a puny little flower spike hiding under the leaves of one of my Adromischus marianae herrei plants. I'm not sure whether I should remove it. I'd feel mean. #succulents #adromischus #SucculentSunday https://t.co/sU1AD10dcd
One of my Adromischus marianae 'Little Spheroid' cuttings is starting to grow leaves. #adromischus #succulents https://t.co/1e9ynoT8xY
ぐもーにん。 曇天でも薄っすらとうろこ雲が見える秋の空。寒くなってくるぞー #ベンケイソウ科 #アドロミスクス属 #アドロミスクスマリアナエ 成長スピードはとてもおっとり。我見るよう(自虐) pic.twitter.com/gHT3rjE4Vz
Adromischus marianae ‘Little Spheroid’ https://t.co/nKAMziVALz
#vscocam #vsco #vscogood #vscophile #vscox #myplants #rareplants #succulents #euphorbia #euphorbiaobesa #pseudolithos #pseudolithoscubiformis #adromischus #marianae #adromischusmarianae #adromischusherrei #adromischusmarianaeherrei #neohumbertii #euphorb… https://t.co/lWJns9v4xl https://t.co/vQ8qeHNqe2
アドロミスクス マリアナエ Black Form 白い小さな花が開花。 咲くまで随分時間かかったね。 https://t.co/ojNc98WFwg
Adromischus marianae var. immaculatus https://t.co/ni629nXFdj
An Adromischus marianae 'Little Spheroid' flower for #SucculentSaturday. Adromischus are grown mostly for their leaves but I bought this plant mail order and most of them fell off. #adromischus #succulents https://t.co/SbULss5bgu
Adromischus marianae herrei and 'Little Spheroid'. Grown for their leaves more than their flowers, but I bought the plants mail order and 'Little Spheroid' lost most of them. #succulents #adromischus https://t.co/CPR89xpUyc
Adromischus marianae var herrei: https://t.co/H38nROs2jR
https://t.co/KwoSN8WoGy (多肉植物 ~ 天錦章屬 銀之卵 Adromischus marianae Alveolatus)