滝の白糸 こいつも安心アガベ♪(´ε` ) 綺麗だしもうちょい丸くまとまるといいね\(^o^)/ https://t.co/leddSp4tbo
アガベの希少種「滝の白糸」を衝動買いしちゃった!名前も容姿も美しい...!ちなみにアガベはテキーラの原料です。 http://t.co/k1iaD7jft0
アガベは種類多いなあ。滝の白糸というのから花が咲きそうです http://www16.ocn.ne.jp/~agave/gallery.html
Photo: aaronapsley: I’m obsessed with Agaves. This is Agave schidigera - watercolor and ink illustration. http://t.co/VfvLhqZWis
Agave schidigera arizonastateuniversity polytech #asu #plants #agave #sonora #desert #succulent… http://t.co/lQuXnox2yE
Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi' (Queen of White ... - https://t.co/7giJcuF83q #gardening #garden #gardens https://t.co/pNNCj0gMc9
Happy New Year! (Kind of looks like fireworks. Agave schidigera 'Shira Ito No Ohi') http://t.co/5qVyh4Of7N
Repotted this Agave schidigera 'Shira Ito No Ohi' Got poked really badly twice. The price I pay for… http://t.co/5y4m8EAnBm
Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi' (Queen of white thread century plant(aka: Agave filifera… https://t.co/X1QOq2PwKH
Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi' http://t.co/7vioDslo