@Damilol51009998 @epiphanydre @epiphanydre made me know that Agave tequilana is the herb used in making the so called popular drink tequila which is made in Mexico ........I no fit forget that ...am sure person wey collect 20k go don forget say @epiphanydre give am 20k self ‼️‼️knowledge is power ✅
@epiphanydre @epiphanydre made me know that Agave tequilana is the herb used in making the so called popular drink tequila which is made in Mexico ........I no fit forget that ...am sure person wey collect 20k go don forget say @epiphanydre give am 20k self ‼️‼️knowledge is power ✅
@Helena_mty @PinkLabGarage Tequila es un mezcal que se hace con el agave azul o TEQUILANA WEBER y no con Maguey
Love this - a great listen. Can i get an Agave tequilana for indoors!? https://t.co/KWTFYLAetj
『Agave tequilana (7号)(¥5,800)』 フリマアプリ「メルカリ」で販売中♪ https://t.co/hB1MKqVKmB
@genevieveeats It seems probably not - usually made from a cultivar of Agave tequilana called 'Weber Azul'. Maybe just no one has tried as it could make a well rounded drink :D
"Unless you know what you're doing, the plant is just so horrible to harvest. We were just in pain the whole time, we kept saying 'f---ing agave!'" -> the story of the first Aussie made Agave tequilana :: read all about it... @newcastleherald https://t.co/iMvQu5KYPr
@silvag_gabriel Completamente, el tequila solo se hace con azul tequilana Webery el mezcal con los 13 tipos de agave
Amigos míos en esta ocasión traigo en venta botellas de Mezcal de agave azul (Tequilana Weber) en $450 es sus cuatro presentaciones, envíos a todo México. Si no compra mínimo apoye con su RT porque acaba de salir la nueva campaña y quedó muy bella, de antemano muchas grax https://t.co/rA81nSXiZo
Body wants a chiropractor, heart wants Agave Tequilana. Ai https://t.co/QFptHokvkv
Our Organic Agave Syrup is 100% made with Agave Tequilana Weber. #MCA #OrganicAgaveSyrup #Amatitan #AgaveSyrup https://t.co/kDyCdaMT6F
Agave tequilana - Wikipedia https://t.co/8Hla4VUJSR
FALSO Cómo bien saben el nombre del agave que da origen al #Tequila es Agave Azul Tequilana Weber. Por alguna razón se creó el mito de que un botánico alemán de nombre Franz Weber era quien había descrito y… https://t.co/GvRoEMTRLA
Inulina de agave NIN de tipo tequilana weber variedad azul, es un suplemento alimenticio de fibra soluble y prebiótico natural https://t.co/afTeytG2hD
As a reminder, we only use Blue Agave Tequilana Weber to make our products. #AgaveSyrup #MCA #Amatitan https://t.co/FI6Xhlx4uB
C4 plants don't suit my palate. I'd be up for more Agave tequilana though. That's a CAM plant. I'm sure you knew that as an old scientist. https://t.co/RE8PoXoDS9 https://t.co/X6dWorji6R
@cocco_2011 竜舌蘭と言います。正確にはブルーアガベがテキーラの原料となります。 このアガベも可愛いですよね
The agave syrup we produce is made from blue Agave Tequilana Weber harvested on our more than 2,200 hectares of agaves. #MCA #AgaveSyrup #Amatitan
Did you know that without bats there would be no tequila!? Agave tequilana are pollinated by bats which they have coevolved alongside!#BESUG19 @BritishEcolSoc @BES_careers @FSC_Millport https://t.co/XFQmV5s6oO
In MCA we only use Agave Tequilana Weber to produce our products #MCA #Amatitan #AgaveSyrup https://t.co/q6z9bv8j2E