If you’re still looking for that one centerpiece for your garden, balcony or even a sunny living room, stop right here. Agave victoriae-reginae, better known as the Queen Victoria agave, is probably one of the most spectacular succulent species https://t.co/kgLLmwkgif
Agave 'victoriae-reginae' (Queen Victoria agave) - Hoping she'd get more markings soon #succulent #... via @gardentags https://t.co/zeXozumi1C
Agave victoriae-reginae / Queen Victoria agave sea Desert Botanical Garden Phoenix, Arizona https://t.co/bNYQROMeGA
Agave victoriae reginae (botánica en el Huerto del Cura) Más info: https://t.co/US68qetmCG #elche #umh https://t.co/BxJz85TD1d
笹の雪 こちらは直線的な美しさ。 Agave victoriae-reginae この女王様は結構ご機嫌うかがうのが大変。 拗らせないように慎重に♛ そんなこんなでおやすみなさいzzz https://t.co/l4VZeA5bsR
Agave Victoriae-Reginae 'Queen Vicky' I like the white edges and 'circuits.' When I potted her up, I noticed she was actually 2 plants. In order to encourage the runt, I'm going to face it runt front. https://t.co/wta1hRU4j1
Queen Victoria agave aka Royal agave (Agave victoriae-reginae) is a small species of succulent… https://t.co/zS3xzk8lSj
@challenguate @TrepavicicaA Beautiful, a favorite! Here's Agave victoriae-reginae in the Desert House @chicagobotanic, where there's a lovely grouping of them. https://t.co/L8QVlgffBW
A very special event @MiamiOHRegionals. Agave victoriae-reginae, Queen Victoria Century plant is now in bloom. Native to Mexico. Dramatic foliage and a stunning flower spike. The plant blooms "once in one hundred years", fruits then dies.#MiamiOH https://t.co/tb0wkTmAWm
ÁGAVE DE LA REINA VICTORIA: Agave victoriae-reginae https://t.co/vS8cfwXVnD
Me llamo Regina por un tipo de agave “victoriae-reginae” (si mi papá es biólogo jajaja) pero pues a mi mamá no le gusto Victoria https://t.co/R3zrwAn3Ta
Agave victoriae-reginae compacta bekommt Nachwuchs https://t.co/9UIbqD8UgS https://t.co/DvZ0kg8rDY
3 pot Agave victoriae reginae kecil melengkapi koleksi ku.....cepat gede ya ....!
Sanse eleinsis &,Agave victoriae reginae menambah koleksi tanamanku.....Alhamdulillah.
세설 Agave victoriae-reginae 한달 전부터 갖고싶어서 장바구니에 넣어놨다가 구매했다 근데 배송중에 맨 아래 잎이 다 꺾여서 옴 https://t.co/3nFVYlWrcc
#Succulents in the morning sun! My fave #Agave victoriae-reginae and unknown #echeveria sp./cultivar https://t.co/lZ4xrwaoN6
Agave victoriae-reginae 女王様は今日も美しい。 そんなこんなでおやすみなさい★ https://t.co/j14tQLyNPa
Photo: flora-file: Agave victoriae-reginae (by flora-file) tmblr.co/Ze0HAt1mZMja_
Agave victoriae-reginae inflorescence @ Instituto de Biología, UNAM https://t.co/1NX6HGdcxD
Agave victoriae reginae ke 2 bagiku deal hari ini.....Alhamdulillah