アロエベラ ハトムギ化粧水 塗るタイプのパック(モデリングパック)
<全身に使える>抑毛成分配合スクラブ!!(200ml) アロエベラ葉」と「トウモロコシ穂軸 2つの成分で埋もれ毛ケア #楽天市場 https://t.co/YYayBRfVv3
@omochitsumaru アロエベラとか神のように崇められそうですね
香りの種類が豊富でバニラ、フレッシュ、アロエベラと悩んでパッケージのおしゃぶり咥えてる猫の可愛さでベビーパウダーにしたw 今までならいろんな砂同時に試すこともできてたけど、結構香りが強いのでベビーパウダーがなくなる頃に他の香り混ぜるとかは出来なさそう。全取っ替えするしかないかな https://t.co/ENOw1Kcsce
#アジアンコスメ で #お肌 に #潤い! #イングオンソープ #キューカンバー&アロエベラ #美容 https://t.co/XMsqgqZjU9 #rakuoku
【緊急!日焼け後の処理】 うっかりやってしまった!ってことありますよね…日焼けは火傷(ケガ)と一緒。 ・冷やす →冷蔵庫に濡れタオルを入れて置くと◎ ・敏感肌用化粧品で保湿する →ビタミンC誘導体の美白成分やアロエベラ配合がオススメ◎ ・赤みが引くまで湯船はNG #すっぴん知識
@bella_aloe @KyleWishard_889 @HailiSelassie He used to say really demeaning things like this to me as well. Couldn’t stand me bc I always stuck up for myself and he thought I was so “disrespectful” for it. I tried exposing him ALL THE TIME, but I wasn’t a cute straight white girl, so what do I know?
@teisha_reeves @bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction @HailiSelassie I agree nothing will happen to him now. But we can take note of this behavior and teach others how to spot this unacceptable manupulive behavior. When enough people become aware what’s going on that’s when change can happen. Just use him as an example.
@bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction @KyleWishard_889 @HailiSelassie Especially if it involves anyone being called on racism/sexism/or any other of negative connotation. White teachers in Longview could NEVER
@bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction @KyleWishard_889 @HailiSelassie Why would a rich white male, who was able to teach for YEARS, be held accountable for anything now? I’m sure there have been students in the past (hopefully) who’ve tried to bring this into the light. LSD refuses to ever see anything wrong with its faculty/administration.
@DaxKimaAction @bella_aloe @KyleWishard_889 @HailiSelassie I tried for four years and no one listened lmao.
@bella_aloe @KyleWishard_889 @HailiSelassie He was openly verbal and physical with this shit too, like all the evidence was right in front of everyone. Can’t imagine what he may be like behind closed doors.
@teisha_reeves @HailiSelassie @bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction I’m sorry. That’s terrible :(
@HailiSelassie @bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction @KyleWishard_889 I can’t tell you the amount of times I was intentionally called out or embarrassed for stupid shit by teachers there. Was really awesome being the token black friend, and nobody else was EVER doing anything wrong :,)
@teisha_reeves @bella_aloe @DaxKimaAction @HailiSelassie Just saying it takes skill and some training how to spot these behaviors. They should be taught at a middle school level IMO.
A las anti máscaras caseras: mi carita quedo re bella con 1 clara de huevo, 2 gotas de limón, media cucharita de bicarbonato y 1 de miel. Todas las lociones dermatológicas me irritaban mal o no me servían. Vengo probando esto 2 veces por semanas + aloe, lo mejor que me pasó.
@JoellasWorld i am both a candle and a plant person and i don’t blame you. my aloe baby Bella has been moved 3 times to adjust for her need for sun and brought back inside bc it rained & she got overwatered.
@bella_aloe Its still closed to the public, I emailed them a shit ton of times
@waiwai_yokochi こちらこそありがとうございます 肌荒れつらいですよね私はTゾーン油田のUゾーン砂漠なので日々試行錯誤です… アロエベラで有名なとこでした。そしてオールインワンではなくブライトニングでした。笑 鬼安いので怖かったですが鎮静効果はありそうです https://t.co/XyAwx6j9ZT