polyphylla アロエ ポリュフュルラ #polyphylla #ポリュフュルラ #アロエ #多肉植物 #螺旋 まだ螺旋してないけど #aloe https://t.co/J15xotzW4X
@UK_Boothby Well Aloe striatula is absolutely hardy, and Aloe polyphylla is meant to be too, though I suspect it would struggle with winter rain. Opuntias are good though, yes ☺️
@acherontiadex I usually do well with transplanting Aloe polyphylla to compost, but not as well with other species. I've done 2 dichotoma so far but one has rotted.
@acherontiadex I've germinated the Aloe polyphylla in water again so I should probably plonk the seedling in some compost tomorrow
@acherontiadex no worries if some of your Aloe don't offset or are so slow to offset that you never have spares etc, but if you do have swaps of some of them sometime I'd be interested in giving them a go. I spotted the first of this year's Aloe polyphylla seeds germinating today btw.
@figreen1980 So, it's spiral aloe (Aloe polyphylla) is a mesmerizing evergreen succulent in the Aloe genus that is native to South Africa. Information on the Internet is not always accurate. I hope you feel better now https://t.co/d3QJjEddOy
@gabrieltrayono Aloe polyphylla
@houseplanthour @Rickretweets I got Aloe polyphylla seeds the year before and got 100% germination I think. I saved half the packet for this year. I also bought Aloe ramosissima which I started in water this January too. #HouseplantHour
@houseplanthour @Rickretweets I wonder if you had a lot of dud seeds in your packet of Aloe polyphylla? They usually germinate easily but can be hard to transplant. I had no problems with polyphylla but lost a lot of Aloe ramosissima seedlings. I ended up with 4 plants of it in the end. #HouseplantHour
@chanmomochan10 アロエ ポリフィラという植物です https://t.co/0i5mDVpvxY
@FlakPhoto Aloe polyphylla https://t.co/6Q85yniu0U
Really dislike college more than ever and just want to open my own nursery and grow plants for a living. Going to be attempting to grow aloe polyphylla to try and get my foot in the door and see if I can make profits from growing plants.
@RobertCMahon Aloe polyphylla
アロエ ポリフィラ 調子がいいのか、悪いのか いまいちよく分かりません... https://t.co/5URFtHYsML
Aloe polyphylla (I haven't killed them yet) https://t.co/uReKkFJfd5
My Aloe ramosissima seedlings again for #FoliageFriday. I've had 2 Aloe polyphylla seeds germinate now too so I'll transfer them to compost in a couple of days. I started soaking them in water on New Year's Day, at 1 am. #aloe #succulents #OTLSowalong #houseplants https://t.co/Ei1pocFVzn
@Rainmaker1973 e-girl: Aloe polyphylla: Sit on my face!
アガベのホリダと、アロエ・ポリフィラを2つ ホリダは焼けてるけど! 低温性アロエであるポリフィラ用に、冷却ツールも作りました https://t.co/tNsUIRgMME
ポリフィラはこういうアロエです( ˘ω˘) https://t.co/WLBIJ81prd https://t.co/370TugzFwv
もう、終わり〜だね 君が、小さく見える♪ アロエ ポリフィラ 1度も元気な姿を見ること無く… https://t.co/nioIb8W26G