@PaphioChien The moisture rooted system of Amorphophallus Titanum can prevent wildfires
The moisture rooted system of Amorphophallus Titanum can prevent wildfires #Biology #Wildfires #titanum https://t.co/q2dXzOvP2l
Hayo tebak itu nama ilmiahnya apa Amorphophallus titanum https://t.co/GbWjQ08rko
@gueguensa La primera es la Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Malinche de Jardín) y el arbolito es el Amorphophallus titanum (Flor de Cadaver). Acá la flor: https://t.co/YZpTQyXEWQ https://t.co/ZDIb50GalO
@Krisbouncesback Like the flower of the Amorphophallus Titanum ... https://t.co/ufibcGa4dv
زهرة الجثة او التيتان Amorphophallus titanum Conophallus titanum اكتشفها العالم ادواردو بكاري في العام 1878م بالإنجليزية Titan arum موطنها الأصلي جزيرة سومطرة الاندونيسية وهي نبات يتبع الفصيلة القلقاسية وتحظى بحماية قانونية لكونها نبات نادر جدًا وتعرف زهرة الجثة باسم تيتان اروم https://t.co/qJPXPSDCv3
Mig sidste gang Amorphophallus titanum blomstrede. Hvis jeg var i KBH var jeg et hundrede p taget ind for at opleve det igen. Hvis man synes planter er bare lidt interessant så tag ind og se den, for den blomstre igen. https://t.co/PLyy7PEelw https://t.co/GArXhJZsTJ
@Chat_46100 Qui serait très allumé par les Amorphophallus titanum (phallus de titan) et autres plantes sapromyophiles
Bunga Bangkai Raksasa atau Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum).
@Y0UNOH @chfnIe you are Amorphophallus titanum
Amorphophallus titanum is the “other” giant corpse flower, but it’s not really a flower, it’s a corn cob, an inflorescence of little bitty flowers, so miss me with your Big Smelly Dick flower, I like my Big Rotten Wound flower better. https://t.co/0BCwT11dFG https://t.co/sgIGT93GVx
@jodokusdorst Also, ich wasche mich von unten nach oben, damit meine unwiderstehlichen Pheromone den Kopf riechen lassen wie den Blütenstand einer Amorphophallus titanum. Gern geschehen.
@HeyrahK Amorphophallus titanum ka phool ho ap
Whos gonna call me their little Amorphophallus titanum
@tevezona Te surpreender com uma Amorphophallus titanum
Wait til you hear about Amorphophallus titanum, literally translates to "giant misshapen penis" https://t.co/asNiaT4sCg https://t.co/LLATCxoJEd
@Ivy_Chains @NikkiLilithTS I don't know about favorite plant but the titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) is pretty wild. https://t.co/Wg2HIsEHgh
@dejumn @hiekarun @llgahyeon @jungwonerpe 14. Tanaman tersebut disebut dengan bunga Bangkai Raksasa dengan nama latin Amorphophallus titanum.
They found Mrs. Alterio sitting on a bench just outside her front door. She looked up at the detectives and smiled. “You found it didn’t you? My large, foul smelling Amorphophallus titanum, also known as the Corpse Flower.”
@Zemheri_ce Titan Arum (Amorphophallus Titanum) ; ( Dünyanın En kötü kokan Çiçeği ) Tercihimiz herkesin seçmediği bize özel olanlardır ✌️ https://t.co/FygoVaawn8