Kibut atau bunga bangkai raksasa atau suweg raksasa, Amorphophallus titanum Becc., merupakan tumbuhan dari suku talas-talasan (Araceae) endemik dari Sumatra, Indonesia, yang dikenal sebagai tumbuhan dengan bunga (majemuk) terbesar di dunia.
@mafeealves Deve acordar com cheiro de Amorphophallus titanum
@DeLadysigner it’s amorphophallus titanum, isn’t it? mike sheets would be happy to see this plant, especially for koali series
@knkyngslave Right!? That thing is an aroid! Like the philodendrons and Alocasia and the anthurium... this is the Titan Arum right? Amorphophallus titanum... such a cool genus name
The Hortus Botanicus is probably my favourite place in Leiden. They have a lot of these corpse plants from Sumatra (Amorphophallus titanum). They're not blooming right now - definitely a good thing smell-wise...
@Ramdhanslhn @Yudhaaaa_F Siapa yang mau jadi Amorphophallus titanum ?
Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus Titanum), ketika mekar, ia melepaskan bau busuk hingga setengah mil jauhnya #TahukahKamu
Una de las flores más grandes del mundo se llama Amorphophallus titanum, más conocida como flor de cadáver. Vive unos cuarenta años, pero solo florece dos veces. Puede alcanzar hasta tres metros de altura y pesar hasta 75 libras.
A giant corpse flower is in bloom just in time for Halloween The giant Amorphophallus titanum plant produces a bud that grows for seven to ten years until it blooms. Read more...More about Halloween, Mashable Video, Flowers, Zoos, and Future Blink
@punicpal Amorphophallus titanum (corpse flower) Because 1. It's one of my fiancé @PastaMic's favorite plants and I wanna stay their favorite 2. I can be super smelly but people will still think I'm cool and pretty
@female_eunuch Amorphophallus titanum is fighting feldspathoid again
Have you seen (and smelled!) the "corpse flower" (Amorphophallus titanum, from the Indonesian island of Sumatra) at your local botanic garden? This incredible plant is getting conservation help from a variety of botanic gardens. #…
@hnderysthetic u amorphophallus titanum becc
Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus Titanum), ketika mekar, ia melepaskan bau busuk hingga setengah mil jauhnya #TahukahKamu
@anamoura99 sim, chama flor Amorphophallus titanum. Vulgo flor-cadáver
@malfstuff A plantinha, cujo nome científico é Amorphophallus titanum, é a flor mais fedida do mundo. A catinga que ela exala é tão insuportável que ela ganhou o antipático apelido de "flor-cadáver".
@malfstuff tão cheirosa quanto uma amorphophallus titanum
@DearAuntCrabby Amorphophallus titanum.
Esta planta parasita cresce em certas videiras, mas não produz folhas. Na mesma área em Sumatra, existe outra planta gigante, amorphophallus titanum (aro gigante), com a maior inflorescência do mundo.
@abrekaram Amorphophallus Titanum