Beaucarnea recurvata
beaucarnea recurvata ‘ponytail palm’ semi-succulent MAYWARD WELCOMES 2020 #PUSHAwardsMayWards
Angiosperm (2/2) Species: Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea Recurvata) Location: 42.362072, -71.726242 @bees_n_birds #2019RangerBio
Beaucarnea recurvata “Pata de Elefante” ahí la lleva
costco how do I #water these? #Araceae #flowering #ZZplant #ZamioculcasZamiifolia and #PonytailPalm #Beaucarnea #recurvata #species of #OrnamentalPlant in the family #Asparagaceae, native to the states of…
#Catsafe plant day at @InteriorFoliage with a crowd favorite! Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a #petfriendly plant (as per the ASPCA) and loves bright rooms with medium temperature. (1/2)
Check out BUY 3 GET 2 FREE Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail Palm) 5 Pcs Seeds for Home #handmade via @eBay
Ride it, my pony... tail palm, My Beaucarnea recurvata’s waiting, jump on it... Wait don’t don’t jump on my precious baby. Lol’s #plantifylyrics #indoorgardening #gaygardener @ Surrey,…
I hope this is real holy shit in case you havent noticed i have like 100 plants you dont understand i NEED fenty for my dieffenbachia...a pot with heels for my drosera binata.. Bitch i wanT A STACK OF CASH FOR MY BEAUCARNEA RECURVATA TO THROW AT MY STRELITZIA NICOLAI!!!
Etxe barruan gozo bizi da, Beaucarnea recurvata. Dotoreziaren ikur. Zainzuriaren familiakoa, asparagaceae, eta jatorria Mexikon duena. #etxebarrukoa #etxebarrua #mexiko…
تحياتي ، محسوبة على النخيل و ليست منهم ، أتناولها لإني اعتدت ادراجها في تصاميم الحدائق الصخرية لإن شكلها يتناسب مع ثيمة الصباريات و العُصاريات كما في صورة الحديقة الصخرية التي نفذناها في حديقة أم لخبا في الدوحة، اسمها beaucarnea recurvata و استبدل لاحقاً ل Nolina recurvata .
PATA DE ELEFANTE (beaucarnea recurvata) que mora na Asa Norte, na 109, ao lado do Beirute. Fotos: Lis Oliveira
Today I’m making my back deck into the perfect oasis for reading and relaxing. Proteas, Japanese maple trees and a Beaucarnea recurvata (Ponytail Palm) plant are a good start.
Spiro retrieved a neighbor's discarded #ponytailpalm #beaucarnearecurvata on the street before the garbage truck arrived. We re-potted it with some good soil and its future now looks bright.
qqn a osté cette photo sur le groupe fb "Quelle est cette plante ?" apparemment c'est un Beaucarnea recurvata
@2switching make sure your PH in your soil is balanced as well specified for palms, go with a Beaucarnea Recurvata, "Ponytail Palm"or a Strelitzia Nicolaii, "Giant Bird Of Paradise" because they are quirky and relatively easy
Tillandsia kammii sitting on Beaucarnea recurvata (ponytail palm) #tillandsia #airplants #indoorplants #houseplants #wheredoiputmyairplant
@Pul_Dal Beaucarnea recurvata 가 정식 명칭이고 해외에선 포니테일 팜(ponytail palm) 혹은 코끼리 발(elephant foot) 이라 불리는가 봅니다. 밑둥이 이렇게 아름답게 부풀어 오른 녀석은 처음 봅니다. 정말 예쁜 친구 들이셨네요.
Merci @Truffaut. J'achète une plante, je crois dur comme fer que c'est une "Beaucarnea Recurvata" et finalement en cherchant sur internet une fois chez moi, on me dit que c'est une "Echeveria Agavoides" ... Payer 9€ au lieu de 5€ c'est pas trop grave, mais ça ennuie un peu.
買ったった∧( 'Θ' )∧電車で持ってんの恥ずかしいわ 部屋のどこおこっかなー(^^) #ポニーテール#観葉植物#ボーカルニア#florida#American#hanatomo#houseplant