Tunasnya sudah keluar akar #tunas #cocorbebek #tanamanobatkeluarga #tanamanobat #herbal #herblover #tanamanhias #tanamanhiasrumah #bryophyllumpinnatum
Little babies #bryophyllumpinnatum @gardenup.in #succulents @ugaoo @plantpeople.in @rooting4_you #houseplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #root #plantsofinstagram #instagram
These are my three bryophyllums. The first one I got from a cutting in Gir, the second, from Sikkim, and the third was bought from a nursery and grew from buds that had fallen off from the main plant. . August ’19 #propagationsuccess #succulentlove #succulents #cactuslovers #bryophyllumpinnatum #succulentaddict #cactusgarden #cactus #succulentlovers #succulentcollection #cactusworld #succulentarrangement #succulentobsession #instacactus #succulentplants #bryophyllum #propagationsucculents #succulentgarden #propagation #propagationstation #theleafiestboy
This beautiful pot once a thermocol six cup peck, is now full of different beautiful plants. The small amount of soil is giving them full bloom. This is totally lovely . I am planning to plant pothos too in its empty box. . . #plants #plant #plantmagic #plantlovers #nature #naturebeauty #thermocolart #thermocol #aloevera #jadeplant #Bryophyllumpinnatum #brophyllum #goethe #patharchatta #ग्वारपाठा #घृतकुमारी #amaturephotography #naturephotography #bestoutofwaste #beauty #warli #warliart #art #succulent #indianart #india #plantsdecor
Cocor Bebek Bryophyllum pinnatum Nikon D3200 #fotografiindonesia #baturajaupdate #baturajatoday #microphotography #fotografi #cocorbebek #bryophyllum #bryophyllumpinnatum #nikon #nikond3200 #d3200 #Indonesia #wonderfulindonesia
Bryophyllum daigremontianum, commonly called devil’s backbone, mother of thousands, alligator plant, or Mexican hat plant is a succulent plantnative to Madagascar. #bryophyllumpinnatum #bryophyllum #devilsbackbone #alligatorplant #maxicanhatplant #succulents #Cactus #madagascar #plantlove #plantofinstagram #plantidentification #plantslover #plantdecor #newplants #mygardenlife #urbangarden #indoorplant #indoorplantsdecor #green #urbangarden #urbangardening #morningbliss #plantsarefriends #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy
#bryophyllumpinnatum #bryophyllum #plant #plantmedicine
#不死鳥 #多肉植物 #景天科 #芽 #落地生根屬 #落地生根 #bryophyllumpinnatum #crassulaceae #kalanchoearanto_haplantas
in the end of winter The alternating generations of garden, exclusive the capsicums tomatoes in the lush, others plants almost running out the energy. Snow peas are doing their best to supply offspring nutrition. Flowering the radish. Even the plants of the leaf margin nicks and spore projected just powerless wait for the rain. Although corns and cucumbers come up with the little greens to say hello few days ago, but where's the flourishing look in my garden and .… me? #bryophyllumpinnatum #crassulaceae#fern#nephrolepiscordifolia#swordfern#sporangia
Bryophyllum pinnatum variegata . . #Bryophyllumpinnatum
its pretty confusing to get the id of this plant, i dunno which is right #bryophyllum or #kalanchoe? but here in Indonesia we called it ducks beak (sosor bebek) she has #succulent like foliage and cubed shape stem, truly one of a kind and we bought this beautiful ethnic borneo’s pot cover from one of the coolest shop @tokotuku_2019 #bryophyllumpinnatum #kalanchoepinnata #widowsthrill #houseplants #houseplantsofinstagram #plants #get_planted
For clarity, the significance social media places on follower counts and impressions is a bit much. Although, for me the depth of the interactions I have with my Followers is far more important. I still do find it Very Peculiar that my Instagram account receives numerous NEW FOLLOWERS daily (I see ya'll hitting that blue follow button ♀️! Thanks a bunch !!!) but you're not showing on my profile! The count appears to be stuck at a number for the longest! Can anybody tell me why that is happening...lol or not happening? Does that happen on your account also? . . . In other news today lol ... here's a #fbf #Happylabordayweekend Y'all! Happy #Plantshopping! What started out as one single leaf I brought from home in #Barbados (btw the pages of a book) several years ago, is now an amazing flourishing #wonderoftheworldplant #wonderworldplant. It's still thriving although, not as full of foliage as in the early day. Time to propagate... . . It's a healing plant of course. You can also make a delicious #healthytea with the #leaves by grinding one #leaf, adding coconut or almond milk and water, sweetening is optional. It's a bit bitter but that's helpful for our liver. It also treats swelling chest colds skin irritant. It promotes urination. . . . Native of #Madagascar #plantlovers #plantsmakepeoplehappy #buymoreplants #plantsplantsplants #houseplantlovers #backyard #BrooklynBackyard #nature #plants #healthytea #tea #bryophyllumPinnatum. #growsomethinggreen #mystical #plantsofinstagram #magicalplants #houseplantdiary #plantinfluencer
from @monstracolony (@get_regrann) - its pretty confusing to get the id of this plant, i dunno which is right #bryophyllum or #kalanchoe? but here in Indonesia we called it ducks beak (sosor bebek) she has #succulent like foliage and cubed shape stem, truly one of a kind and we bought this beautiful ethnic borneo’s pot cover from one of the coolest shop @tokotuku_2019 #bryophyllumpinnatum #kalanchoepinnata #widowsthrill #houseplants #houseplantsofinstagram #plants #get_planted - #regrann
Nama domestik : Cocor Bebek Lonceng. Nama universal : Air Plant, Cathedral Bells, Miracle Leaf, Life Plant, Goethe Plant, Zeb Maltet. Nama Ilmiah : Bryophyllum pinnatum, Kalanchoe pinnata. ===== Tanaman yang dikirim: Tinggi: 15-25 cm dan 25-35 cm (pilih salah satu ukuran). Perkiraan berat : 250 gram. Tanaman dikirim tanpa media tanam. Free 1pc polybag baru (jumlah dan ukuran menyesuaikan tanaman). ===== Info penting: Kemungkinan tanaman yang diterima agak layu karena proses pengiriman. Jika tanaman sudah diterima, langsung tanam/pindah ke polybag yang sudah kami sediakan atau polybag/pot yang sudah anda sediakan. Simpan ditempat yang terhindar dari sinar matahari langsung selama 7 hari atau sampai tanaman segar kembali, lalu tempatkan tanaman tersebut agar terkena sinar matahari langsung untuk pertumbuhan yang sehat dan optimal. ===== Info tambahan: Pemupukan hanya menggunakan pupuk organik. Pupuk dasar padat. Pupuk lanjutan cair (POC, Biostimulan, Prebiotik, Vitamin, Hormon Pertumbuhan + O2. Tanaman yang kami jual bebas pestisida kimia. Pestisida yang kami pakai hanya organik. ===== #organik #herbal #hias #bunga #tanaman #tanamanhias #bibit #murah #cocorbebek #cocorbebeklonceng #airplant #miracleleaf #sukulen #Bryophyllumpinnatum #elpisqu #pemalang #pembibitantanaman #nurseryplants #infopemalang #homefarming #urbanfarming
#monsteradeliciosa #anthurium #bryophyllumpinnatum kata post.
Isn't it friendly enough when yo new neighbor present you a baby plant from their garden? It's #bryophyllumpinnatum, native of Madagascar which has a lot of medicinal qualities in it. We commonly call it 'katty pota kutty podum' in Tamil. Would like to know it's medicinal properties? Check the link below. https://youtu.be/HPbBkFo7YSE . . #medicinalplants #succulents #tamil #plantsthatheal #plantbased #homegarden #greennails #greenhand #plantsforlife #lifesaving
Bryophyllum pinnatum | Life Plant #bryophyllumpinnatum #lifeplant #tropicalplants #instaplant #outdoorplants #houseplants #houseplantph #houseplantgoals #houseplantsofinstagram #livingwithplants #plantsmakemehappy #plantsph
HERE IT IS! My biggest #kalanchoe ever! Yesterday I found out it’s called #kalanchoepinnata or also #Bryophyllumpinnatum or ALSO #leafoflife or ALSSOOOO #motherof1000s It’s an amazing plant it’s extremely easy to #propagate , either pluck a fresh leaf off or if you don’t want to ruin the growth, choose one that’s starting to yellow and needs to go , pluck it and put it on top of soil and keep it moist and the edges of the leaf will start to grow new plants I have SO many now and I just learned the proper name thanks to some awesome plant lovers that follow me #plantfamily I also found out that they’re super good for you?! Like you can grind a leaf up into paste and use it for abscess treatment , also it says you can make tea for when you have a cold and stuff , but I’m a little nervous to ingest until I do further research But having struggled with horrific skin issues since I was like 14 , I’m very excited to learn about this and give it a try
After lunch, I spotted this plant. I had to stop and ask the shop minder about it because I had always been intrigued about this. I love its alienlike leaf-growing-out-of-leaf behavior. Next thing I knew, she got a small plastic pot out and gave me some of the babies to take home. Plant people are the best! • • • • • • #bryophyllumpinnatum #kalanchoe #kalanchoepinnata #foliagefriday #lovegrowsgreen #girlswithplants #botanicalwomen #theleafstrokers #urbanjungleblog #urbanjungle #plantsinthecity #plantmornings #plantparenthood #lostinplantopia #tropicalhome #plantcorner #indoorplantsofinstagram #houseplantcommunity #plantsmakepeoplehappy #pausewithplants #houseplantsmakemehappy #crazyplantlady #pinoyurbanjungle #needmoreplants #houseplantjournal #houseplantclub #houseplantdiary #houseplantsmakemehappy #houseplanthome #plantmania #crazyplantpeopleunite
Bryophyllum pinnatum previously known as Kalanchoe pinnata Also known as the Hawaiian Air Plant, Cathedral Bells, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf, and Goethe Plant, it is a succulent plant native to Madagascar I spotted it in a customers trolley so off I went to investigate #gardenlife #plantlife #greenhouselife #indoorplantlife #indoorplants #kalanchoe #kalanchoepinnata #bryophyllum #bryophyllumpinnatum #hawaiianairplant #cathedralbells #lifeplant #miracleleaf #goetheplant #succulents #succulentlife #horticulturestudent #horticulturist #loveplants #loveflowers #goodforthesoul #myhealthierlife