Pictures from Tucson #cactus #flowers #gorgeous #naturesbeauty #cereus #cereusrepandus #peruvianapplecactus #tucson #arizona @gregregens #beeslikeittoo
#CereusRepandus #PeruvianAppleCactus #NocturnalFloweringCactus
It’s cloudy today, but I just potted up this #peruvianapplecatus #cutting that I had healing for the past couple weeks, so I took pix anyway. I think it’s so pretty The mother plant was a magnificent tower filled with huge, glorious blooms. So dreamy #queenofthenightcactus #cereus #cereusrepandus #cactus #pottedplants #outdoorindoorplants #plants #plantlove #plantsmakemehappy #
Cereus Repandus Dalam bahasa Latin, cereus artinya lilin atau obor. Mayoritas cereus bersosok tinggi menjulang. Batangnya terdiri atas 3—4 ribs atau lekuk. Kaktus yang banyak tumbuh di Benua Amerika bagian selatan itu juga dikenal sebagai sang ratu malam karena memiliki bunga yang mekar di malam hari. Pembungaan cereus dimulai dengan munculnya kuncup bunga di beberapa batang tanaman. Biasanya, dalam satu cabang terdapat 2—3 kuncup. Kuncup-kuncup itu muncul pada pagi hari, lalu bertahan hingga pukul 4 sore. Menjelang malam sekitar pukul 7—10 waktu setempat, bunga mekar secara perlahan. Bunga akan mekar sempurna sekitar pukul 12 malam hingga pukul 2 dini hari, kemudian bunga berangsur-angsur layu. Saat pagi tiba, bunga cereus akan menguncup kembali. Cereus repandus (L) Mill atau Kaktus Apel Peru , berasal dari suku Cactaceae yang banyak dijumpai di Brasil, Uruguay, Paraguay, dan Venezuela. Tinggi pohon bisa mencapai 10 m dengan diameter batang 10-20 cm, akan tetapi apabila diberi penyangga tanaman ini mampu tumbuh hingga 30 meter yang merupakan tanaman kaktus tertinggi di dunia, bunganya berwarna krem yang hanya mekar semalam, kulit buah tidak berduri berwarna merah keunguan hingga kekuningan, daging buah berwarna putih, bijinya berwarna hitam dapat dimakan terasa manis apabila sudah masak. Banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman hias, merupakan tanaman tahan kering dengan penyinaran penuh, tumbuh pada ketinggian hingga 1200 m dpl. Source: #sonya7iii #sonyalpha #sonyalphaclub #cactus #cactuslovers #cereus #cereusrepandus #cereusperuvianus #nocturnal #tanamanhias
Apple Cactus flower, Cereus repandus, at rhe LA Zoo. #flower #flowers #flowering #blossom #blossoms #blossoming #bloom #blooms #blooming #fall #autumn #SoCal #California #garden #gardens #gardening #LosAngeles #LA #lazoo #LosAngeleszoo @lazoo #applecactus #applecactusflower #cereus #cereusrepandus #cactus #cactusflower
In love with my Peruvian Apple cactus! Eeeep! Name suggestions? #peruvianapplecactus #cereusrepandus
Just went outside to catch this beautiful night bloomer in full bloom. Im in with my Cereus repandus, the Peruvian apple cactus. There are 4 more getting ready to bloom. . . . #catus #catusinbloom #beautifulflower #applecatus #cereusrepandus #peruvianapplecatus #whiteflower
Cereus repandus #cereus#cereusrepandus#cactus#doga#yesil#kaktus#kaktüs#nature#green#yeşil#sapanc#sakarya#kaktüsadam#güzellikler
#cereus #cereusrepandus #cereusrepandusmonstrose #cactuslover
Cereus Repandus / Peruvian Apple Cactus $30/1 cutting (10-12 inches). Will cut fresh for every order. . . . Send us a message with shipping details to invoice (name, address, email address, and quantity), reference peruvian apple cactus. We invoice Wednesdays and Thursdays. Payment due upon receipt of invoice. Shipping days are Mondays and Tuesdays except holidays. Buyer pays shipping. #cereus #cereusrepandus #queenofthenight #peruvianapplecactus #peruvianapple #applecactus #apple #fruitbearingcactus #fruitingcactus #fruit #succulents #cactus #cacti #cactusfruit #indoorplant #outdoorplant #pottedplant #fawcettfarms #farmlife #ffarmhouseliving
Shipped out my favorite cutting today and just had to admire it one last time. #cereus #cereusrepandus #cactus #cactusclub #cacti #cactusoftheday #cactusofinstsgram #prick #pricks #prickofetheday #nevertoomanyplants #nature #nofilter #nofilterneededfornature #gooutside #playindirt #plantsomething #urbanjungle #collectingbeauty #plantnerd #crazyplantlady #plantlife #greenspaces #theplantcollector
I think it is time to bring the cacti and succulents inside! #winteriscoming #lifearoundplants #cactus #echeveria #agave #cereusrepandus #euphorbia #gymnocalycium
Congratulations to @alexajaneden on her beautiful new 7 ft tall Peruvian Apple Cactus (Cereus Repandus) along with her custom order matte blush pink/peach planter. It took me a while to get the color exactly right but I think we nailed it. I found the cactus at @gardens_of_babylon - they also accommodated our last minute delivery request . #pueruvianapplecactus #Cereusrepandus #cactus #cacti #plants #plantseverywhere #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantdelivery #plantsofinstagram #nashville #nashvilleplants
Pollinators at work early this morning on these cereus flowers in McAllen, TX. #cereus #cereusrepandus #cacti #cactus #cactusflower #cactusbloom #mcallen #mcallentx #cactusgarden #xeriscape #xeriscapegarden
A Peruvian Apple in the making #CereusRepandus #cactusreproduction #peruvianapple #z00micronurseryii #howz00doin #Z00wave #cactusnursery #z00ii #thehive #phx
Our Cereus Cactus finally bloomed! #cereus #nightbloomingcereus #cactus #natureshot #naturesbeauty #whiteflower #morningdew #dew #nofilterneeded #inspirewithblooms #flowersofinstagram #cereusrepandus #peruivanapplecactus #cactusbloom #cactusflower #cactusofinstagram #cacti #nature #green
original high-rises #skyscrapers #cacti #cereusrepandus #cereusperuvianus #green #fieldnotes (from last night’s #popup)
Got all these for 40 bucks at Houston Plant & Garden World today...(the tall one was a bitch to repot ) ID suggestions welcome, I think I know them but I could be wrong. Cereus repandus, Agave nickelsiae, Agave attenuata, and Agave victoriae-reginae...#cactus#cacti#cereusrepandus ? #agaveattenuatavariegata #agaveattenuata #foxtailagave#agavenickelsiae ? #agavevictoriaereginae #agave#agaveplants#agavelove #koolplant#succulove#succulents#plantaddict#plantsmakepeoplehappy
Tap to hear the music ! When traveling I enjoy finding nurseries and new sources of cactus, agaves and succulents. This gem has great inventory and many species I don’t usually see. Next time I’m in San Bernardino I will definitely visit E Street Garden Center again! . . #euphorbiadragonbones #ferocactusacanthodes #stenocereus #trichocereusbridgesii #euphorbiaresinifera #gardening #echinocactus #echinocactusgrusonii #euphorbia #agavetitanota #agave #trichocereus #landscape #cereus #cereusrepandus #ferocactus #mammillaria #succulents #succulentslover #echeveria #haworthia #gasteria #sedum #opuntia #pricklypear #barrelcactus #plants #aloes #cactus #wildaboutcactus
I got this babies at a plant swap; better said a cacti swap actually, and I’m loving them so much. Little cuties My cacti collection is growing but this ain’t all of them, this are just the ones a swapped. Soon I’ll be showing you my complete cacti collection. . . . #cactimagazine #cactiofinstagram #cacticacti #cactus #cactilove #euphorbiatrigona #cereus #cereusrepandus #selenicereus #dogtailcactus #cactalicious #idrinkandgrowthings #cactusysuculentas #suculents #suculentas #cactusmagazine #cactusmania #mygreentreasure #crazyplantpeople #houseofplantlovers #house_plant_community #terracottatuesday #terracottapots #suculentlovers #plantparentcommunity #plantsofinstagram #plantparentclub #get_planted #plantsplantsplants #