@citrullus_zlato mu
@citrullus_zlato https://t.co/U5wIIqvnAU
@citrullus_zlato Dri awal2 pertama kali kenal 48G jg ada org2 halu kek gini..cm baru kali ini nemu yg lebih gila.. bisa2nya yg udh nikah masih diganggu wkwkwk
@citrullus_zlato Well at least they aren't hexagons
@citrullus_zlato Setau gw klo akun badge kuning pfpnya bakal kotak
@citrullus_zlato Fckin. https://t.co/7ouQLOKxsD
@citrullus_zlato I hope that awa guy its spreading a misinformation
@monsrebs5 @citrullus_zlato Remember when banco said that all idolmaster songs will available worldwide And seems like the shinymas will be the first branch to be release I hope so..
@citrullus_zlato *sigh* Nenennya,
@citrullus_zlato Tamamo is good
@citrullus_zlato Biasanya kalo scroll ke atas lagi, bakalan ketemu. Terkadang.
@citrullus_zlato averagetwtstruggle.txt
@hkyaao @citrullus_zlato loh kalian berdua memainkan game Memento Mori ini?
@hkyaao @citrullus_zlato Sama kita, rating di Play Storenya jelek gegara banyak yg gak mau awikwok Hape masih ada ruang tuk install apa gitu, cobain ah ini game saya
@revuenastar @citrullus_zlato Ya Allah jauh
@citrullus_zlato The opening really makes the rest of the story less painful to read/watch
@citrullus_zlato @babufess Ya bnar bestie
@citrullus_zlato Emang kampus dikau keren bet dah
@citrullus_zlato Y jg y