Já começando com a filha da planta acima. Echeveria 'Dark Vader', híbrida da E. runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' com a E. 'Black Prince' https://t.co/zotabWI0uw
@wei_tayo Recomend yg tahan banting sih jenis haworthia, aloe, kalo yg echeveria tuh lemon lime, topsy turvy, prolifica, perle jg mudah, biar mekar" gitu aku nyiramnya campur vit b1, itu full sun full rain punyaku tapi kalo di tmpt panas banget mending yg ada shadenya takutnya burn dia
Echeveria'Topsy Turvy'は丈夫よね…いつもいつの間にか花芽が出来ているし。 Aloe cultivar'Coral Fire'はもっとお日様に当てないと駄目か… サボテンと競合するのであまり増やせない… #Succulents https://t.co/Xm6wHAhADQ
Echeveria Silver Star pote 6 - R$8,00 https://t.co/O1Jo31khcw Echeveria Topsy Turvy pote 9 - R$8,00 https://t.co/dZChR6bZ4P Graptoveria Debbie - R$8,00 https://t.co/tAr4P5HnJZ Pachyphytum Compactum - R$8,00 https://t.co/hwCJrddleF https://t.co/5jZ1fKSH5k
Echeveria Cubic Frost - R$12,00 https://t.co/P7VWjPHuTM Echeveria Elegans - R$12,00 https://t.co/9ekf7KtfdK Echeveria Tacitus Bellus - R$12,00 https://t.co/oe7ZieCzXM Echeveria Topsy Turvy - R$12,00 https://t.co/pTEodU7Kdk https://t.co/U6YCL2FU7I
and this is my.....*checks notes*...topsy turvy echeveria? https://t.co/qsUG9OyHcy
@a_taiyib I have an echeveria topsy turvy bc I killed the first echeveria I got... I got the zz raven.. callisia repens... A snake plant (but uh.... I think they changed the genus name of those? I hate biologists cant agree for shit) trandescantia zebrina... It's like all burgundy though.
My 'Topsy Turvy' succulent (Echeveria ruyonii) is in bloom again! https://t.co/Yll9xi2JcG
13. Black Prince 14. Mexican hen and chicks (Topsy Turvy Echeveria) 15. Tippy 16. Haworth’s Aeonium (Pinwheel) https://t.co/7LFgze0Gr6
The light is pretty under the tarp Trying to prepare for a storm . The storm isn't predicted to be very destructive. So this is likely overkill. But ud later be over-cautious now than nursing injured plants later #echeveriagalaxyblue #echeveriatopsyturvy #echeveriamonroe #echeveriamira #echeverialola #echeveriahakuhou #pachyphytummachucae #echeveriaarcticice #succulents #echeveria #pachyphytum
Pedacinho da floreira ao lado da Torre. Orostachys em dormência, kalanchoe marnieriana em flor, kalanchoe pumila crescendo e a linda Topsy Turvy após abundante florada. Nesse local a incidência de sol é fraca e, no inverno, quase não bate luz direta. Tinha muito medo de que as plantas não se desenvolvessem, mas deu tudo certo! A natureza é maravilhosa!!! #torre_de_miroku_oficial #suculentas #torredemiroku #suculentasbrasil #succulents #suculovers #suculove #suculentasecactos #succulentsofinsta #suculentslove #graptosedumfrancescobaldi #graptosedum #echeveria #echeveriatopsyturvy #kalanchoe #kalanchoemarnieriana #orostachys #kalanchoepumila #crassula
Pedacinho da floreira ao lado da Torre. Orostachys em dormência, kalanchoe marnieriana em flor, kalanchoe pumila crescendo e a linda Topsy Turvy após abundante florada. Nesse local a incidência de sol é fraca e, no inverno, quase não bate luz direta. Tinha muito medo de que as plantas não se desenvolvessem, mas deu tudo certo! A natureza é maravilhosa!!! #torre_de_miroku_oficial #suculentas #torredemiroku #suculentasbrasil #succulents #suculovers #suculove #suculentasecactos #succulentsofinsta #suculentslove #graptosedumfrancescobaldi #graptosedum #echeveria #echeveriatopsyturvy #kalanchoe #kalanchoemarnieriana #orostachys #kalanchoepumila #crassula
A couple of months ago I cut the top off of my echeveria topsy turvy to transplant it because it was getting too tall, and I left the stem behind. Now the stem is covered in babies! https://t.co/dAhAwwA9Ru
I'm obsessed with this echeveria Topsy turvy and it's lovely flowers!!!! https://t.co/jWDO46Plwz
A closer look at our new Echeveria Topsy Turvy. Look at all of the babies growing.. and I already trimmed it back a lot!! This will be the centerpeice for our porch table during Summer! https://t.co/1rkdcoiJKw
A closer look at our new Echeveria Topsy Turvy. Look at all of the babies growing.. and I already trimmed it back a lot!! This will be the centerpeice for our porch table during Summer! #Succulent #Succulents #EcheveriaTopsyTurvy https://t.co/Tgyrd4rC1d
Echeveria Topsy Turvy Babies. This plant is so big, I will need to take another photo so I can fit it all in the frame! Got this plant for $15 at the Succulent and Cactus Show at the… https://t.co/S5P7mCRaC6
@1031885328 Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy'かな。ゴージャスです。
new blog post Blooming Potential in Succulents - Echeveria 'Topsy Turvy' flower.While many of my inside plants got to play outside for the summer, a few hung out on the light table. Two are blooming now! Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’, which I... [[... https://t.co/gXwcYhAWeU