そもそもの始まりはこの札なしエケベリア。大和錦? #taniku http://t.co/6ZP0flK
大和錦というベンケイソウ科エケベリア属の 多肉植物がかわいい 上から見ると薔薇の花っぽい葉のつき方をしている
Echeveria purpusorum - https://t.co/Zo8j0a2j7X #landscaping #gardening #garden #gardens https://t.co/H4qoXimsJn
Those leaves are: Graptopetalum 'Purple Haze', Echeveria purpusorum, E. nodulosa, E. 'Perle von Nürnberg' and some unknown Echeverias.
球根屋さん.com 新入荷情報 エケベリア 大和錦(3号) https://t.co/Wi0DmjmQnL
#10: 20 x Echeveria purpusorum - Gorgeous Round Leaf - RARE Succulent Perfect For Roc... http://t.co/zTTbuumxmd http://t.co/SHCoUmNfWT
Check out Succulent Echeveria Purpusorum Red form Rare cactus agave caudex haworthia2-7217 http://t.co/z7fV2zWs5R via @eBay
@TaylorShechet @JuicyKits @PinkAbduxionRay found it thx. Its a chubby compact form of Echeveria Purpusorum.
Echeveria purpusorum https://t.co/p6hzUWgMJy
Echeveria "purpusorum" in stock! Love the wide, deep olive-green, grey-green or white-green and mottled with... http://t.co/lREliYzQbr
Succulent Plant Echeveria Purpusorum. Spiky by SucculentOasis https://t.co/8kuPixnMmJ
@ab3433 さんに去年いただいた、 エケベリア/大和錦 Echeveria purpusorum… https://t.co/Qy3y2mgygp
Graptoveria amethorum (Echeveria purpusorum x ... - https://t.co/eTJofpaWkJ #garden #gardens #gardening https://t.co/oMiEkcGuqM