Hatiora salicornioides 気温が上がってか、たくさん咲いてます! 金平糖みたい✨✨ https://t.co/RhYZaVrx2Y https://t.co/fwNuqmol8v
My Hatiora salicornioides is blooming a month late this time around https://t.co/BQQbPJKgF2
@tadonafilsitrat Adı 'Hatiora salicornioides' imiş hocam. Sarı çiçeklerini vercek yazın
Some of my Hatiora salicornioides cuttings started getting buds while they were still in water so I figured I should pot them up. This one has a couple of flowers open now. #cactus #hatiora #houseplants https://t.co/7jgWrcbmjv
my Hatiora salicornioides had a super bad case of some kind of fucking red scale bug. sometimes I want to give up on houseplants
@Dyl_ishh I got myself a Pathos, Rainbow bush, Portulacaria afra, hatiora salicornioides. Pathos is probs the best house plant also most common. Also try a Jade plant. If u dont wanna search subscribe to succulent studios
ハチオラ 猿恋葦 (2.5号) https://t.co/HgZtoiKuJH
I whip my hair back and forth #hatiora #hatiorasalicornioides
I got my first plant mail! It's a hatiora salicornioides cutting. Also known as "dancing bones." It is a jungle cactus, like schlumbergera and rhipsalis. Supposedly very easy to propagate, so can't wait for growth! #hatiora #hatiorasalicornioides #junglecactus #epiphyte
Hello Hatiora . . . . #plants #houseplants #plantgang #plantsmakepeoplehappy #urbanjungle #cactus #cacti #hatiora #hatiorasalicornioides #green #yellow #flowers #flower #floweringplant #floweringcactus #yellowflowers #epiphytes #epiphyticcactus #flora #botanical #mtlplants #hochelaga #evasia
Morgonsol i köket. #hatiorasalicornioides #seneciorowleyanus #gröntärskönt #växtgäris #glasörtskaktus #filter
Eid Mubarak to all Muslim fellows and happy holiday! . . . . #eiduladha #eidmubarak #selamathariraya #harirayaaidiladha #hatiorasalicornioides #dancingbones #rhipsalis #rhipsalissalicornioides #succulentaddict #succulents #succulentaddict #plantpeople #crazyplantpeople #urbangarden #Portmeirion #PortmeirionBotanicGarden #BotanicGarden #FRlilgarden
Хатиора Кроме официального названия имеет много других имен. Например, кактус танцующих костей, пикантный кактус, скелетик... А все из-за причудливого вида. Не так давно узнала про это растение и захотела себе! Вот мне и раздобыли малютку Раз это суккулент, надеюсь будет жить и разрастаться даже у меня #Hatiorasalicornioides #малюткахатиора #ИсторииСадовникаОксаны #хатиора #суккуленты #суккулент #суккулентспб #суккулентыдома #жизньнаподоконнике #домашниерастения #комнатныецветы #любимый #кактустанцующихкостей #скелетик #танцующийскелет #люблюрастения
E.T. go home. #dancingbonescactus #drunkardsdreamcactus #hatiorasalicornioides
*Bacia para plantas* Bacia em concreto para arranjos e minijardins. Versão sem furos de drenagem, para ambientes internos, ou com furos, para ambientes externos. ⠀ Enviamos para todo o Brasil. Vendemos também com suculentas e cactos para São Carlos/SP e região. ⠀ Tamanho da bacia (A x D): 8 x 29 cm ⠀ As espécies de suculentas/cactos podem variar de acordo com a disponibilidade. ⠀ #echeveriaperlevonnurnberg, #echeveriaelegansrose, #graptopetalumparaguayense, #huerniakeniensis, #kalanchoetomentosa, #sedumadolphi, #sedumrubrotinctumaurora, #faucariatigrina, #rhipsaliserecta, #graptosedumbronze, #sedeveriafanfare, #hatiorasalicornioides, #cactosesuculentas, #succulentlove, #instadecora, #vasoconcreto, #decor, #saocarlos.
Amarelo #hatiorasalicornioides #hatiora #ripsalis #rhipsalis #rhipsaliserecta #suculenta #suculentasecactos #cactoslovers #flores #flowers #meujardimflorido #floresdomeujardim #delicadeza #foideusquemfez #vejodeusemcadadetalhe
My pink #saintpaulia & #hatiorasalicornioides are #blooming #crazyhouseplantlady #houseplants #paavalinkukka #tulitikkukaktus #huonekasvi
#dancingbonecactus . . . #houseplants #plantas #houseplantcommunity #succulentsofinstagram #houseplantsofinstagram #GodsCreation #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantlove #plantsarefriends #plantlife #plantjoy #houseplantclub #houseplantjournal #instaplants #indoorplants #plantaddict #cactuslovers #dancingbonessucculent #hatiora #hatiorasalicornioides #epiphytic #epiphyticcactus
I was commissioned to create a plant arrangement for a traveling professional, whom wants to arrive to something that’s alive. His requirements: Modern Clean Look; Medium Light; and Something That Could Withstand Neglect For Two Weeks. Well, here you go Sir. I have a Sanseiveria Moonglow, Sanseiveria Starfish, and an Epiphytic Jungle Cactus . . . . #hojasbysalvador #houseplantarrangement #sansevieriamoonshine #sansevieriastarfish #epiphyticcactus #hatiorasalicornioides #modernplantarrangement #houseplantlove #houseplantaddict #urbanjungle #succulents #succulentaddict #sanantonioflorist #sanantoniourbanjungle #discovertheplantcommunity #foliagelove
Meet my newest plant addition, and a cousin to rhipsalis, Hatiora salicornioides. A big thank you to fellow rhipsalis freak, @arianatanabe for giving me this little gem. Please enjoy!