@ohnofaye Isa pa lang akong gibutang han pero murag madugangan pa ni hahahha Hoya carnosa a.k.a Hoya Plant ang name. Vine ni siya hehe
@IvyTheKoala They're actually in quite unrelated parts of the Asterids clade, with Hoya carnosa being in the family Apocynaceae of the order Gentianales, and Ardisia spp. being in the family Primulaceae of the order Ericales. The mechanism for red stems could be analogous or homologous. idk
@Viviluc2 Una Hoya Carnosa o Flor de la Cera se llena de pequeños ramitos de flores diminutas muy dulces. Pero no hay https://t.co/p195x25T3Q
Otra semana más en la que nos unimos a este #LunesDeFotoPropia junto a @locurita_suelta . Acá les comparto esta Hoya Carnosa, como diciéndonos "No se detengan, todos estamos llamados a florecer dondequiera que la vida nos lleve" ❤. https://t.co/t2fSaz0Sbr
サクララン(ホヤ)の #花言葉 彫刻。感受性。傷つきやすい心 別名:ワックスプラント https://t.co/yVM5SJeQf3
名前が分かった!! ホヤ カルノーサ っていうお花なんだって〜 https://t.co/TTJanoT12u
So I may or may not have a plant problem, but that's okay lol this little hoya carnosa compacta is so adorable! I cant wait to see him grow. https://t.co/G9VRCcOSM1
As plantas daqui de casa - Um ensaio sobre o distanciamento social. Pelargonium X hortorum gerânio, gerânio-ferradura Hoya carnosa flor-de-cera E umas suculentas que eu não sei o nome, porque, na real, eu acho tudo meio feia. #asplantasdaquidecasa https://t.co/2c2S32sjmj
Hoya Carnosa | Hoya Publicalyx cv. Royal Hawaiian Purple https://t.co/9uG4K63Swu via @YouTube
@LilahSturges This is a Hoya Carnosa Compacta. I have one in my bedroom, and love them because their leaves kind of look like tortellini https://t.co/itEG96jYiw
手前左から marble queen, spider plant, snake plant, monstera deliciosa, Hoya carnosa, pelia, snake plant again, variegated rubber plant, pelia again... この人のお家ほど素敵じゃないけど、ここにある植物、全部うちにもあります。いつも癒やされてます。 https://t.co/JZuULcn26U
I thought I just had a hoya carnosa variegata but nope! It’s a tricolor!! Most of the new growth is pink!! https://t.co/jaqQgKNLTE
@lexiedrgdr_ Fiore di loto @meredithdrgdr Biancospino @CalliopeTdrgdr Camellia @CKellydrgdr Orchidea @ameliadrgdr Tarassaco @addisoondrgdr Tulipano @ArizonaRdrgdr Narciso @jo_drgdr Ortensia @kepnerdrgdr Hoya Carnosa Spero di non essermi dimenticata nessuno https://t.co/ea3owKIsPH
@lauragcwall Thanks Laura. I thought It's from Hoya Carnosa family.
Mon copain m’a acheté un hoya carnosa tricolor et vous ?
Hoya Carnosa (flor de cera) Una obra de arte de la naturaleza Esta es una de las 100 especies de Hoya que son nativas del este de Asia y Australia. #mijardinencasa #flores #Naturaleza #BuenMiercoles https://t.co/EPvbeNTZoq
Hoya carnosa selfie #hoyacarnosa https://t.co/6sYo7kdOTa
Sale!Hoya Bonsai,Potted Hoya Carnosa Flower Flores Garden Plants Perennial Planting Orchid Plantas 100 Pcs/Bag,#TNS3Y5 https://t.co/jEYjqRNAHx https://t.co/Yj1EuexfXv
Sale!Hoya Bonsai,Potted Hoya Carnosa Flower Flores Garden Plants Perennial Planting Orchid Plantas 100 Pcs/Bag,#TNS3Y5 https://t.co/aBLyVbzC4X https://t.co/YY2spyA03D
Sale!Hoya Bonsai,Potted Hoya Carnosa Flower Flores Garden Plants Perennial Planting Orchid Plantas 100 Pcs/Bag,#TNS3Y5 https://t.co/w2ydGAyjmx https://t.co/DxzVWlHKk8