@sarikamaquirang Ohhhh I am jealous of your hoya carnosa compacta! I covet one, but I have... too many houseplants.
Yesterday I ordered hoya curtisii cuttings and a rooted hoya carnosa compacta. I am allowing myself to pick only one more plant. I think city living is making me anxious for more green
@sarikamaquirang I just found a little plant company here in Van run by two sisters - they are currently having a giveaway and one of the plants is a hoya carnosa, so I'm hoping I win. They'll also seek out plants on request! It's great.
@archivalistic I got a hoya carnosa ten years ago and finally smuggled cuttings into my new apartment. I loved my plant and having it back again made me want to get more plants... I hope you win! Btw, how many plants is too many plants...
@_kimchungha_ Hoya carnosa https://t.co/OMdHmykf6J
Hoya carnosa tricolor acquired. I blame @BetsyBegonia
@NatriceR That's not what I know as wandering jew. It appears to me to be a Hoya Carnosa: https://t.co/c7ZBMYb2Gm
Bi de yarın; hoya carnosa'm başta olmak üzere bi balkona el atalım gel de
I wonder if she’s ever made a Hoya carnosa? #countryfile
Hoya carnosa opened up today. The sweet smell is easily detectable 10’ away. #epiphytes https://t.co/6OlYa9gFmy
@RichardFoxYoung Hoya carnosa?
a variegated Hoya carnosa tricolor https://t.co/hvxxS3JsMO
@suzuyaya my list would be for now: hoya lanceolata or a hoya carnosa, pothos variegated, peperomia pepperspot and Adiantum raddianum <3 !!! some of them i could get....but i have no room and it's a bit of a longer drive.
Copiapoa cinereaは白肌にしたいし、Pachypodium fiherenenseはどっぷりした1 mサイズにしたいし、Adenium sp.の砂漠の薔薇って謳われる花見たいし、Dioscorea elephantipesは亀甲模様を顕著にしたいし、頂いたC. cinerea var haseltonianaの発芽が待ち遠しいし、Hoya carnosaの花早く見たいし
私がヒスイカズラを通過した理由がこちら♀️ 「サクララン」 可愛い〜♡と触ったら濡れているしブヨブヨしていてびっくりΣ(☉ω☉ ) ホヤは観葉植物で人気なハート型の葉の植物ですね♡ #自然観察記録 https://t.co/AtIw5V07C6
✨Hoya Hoya carnosa Jest ogromna, bo jej pędy ciągną się przez całe moje biurko, parapet, a część spada na ziemię https://t.co/phMZ4RjmcR
think my Hoya Carnosa died. bummer.
カルノーサ( *´艸`) ホヤの花は とっても好き https://t.co/NRGmtlSDjo
Acht Blüten der Wachsblume verwandeln das Büro optisch und olfaktorisch in ein Tropenhaus ... Interessante Systematik: - Gattung: Enziangewächse - Familie: Hundsgiftgewächse - Unterfamilie: Seidenpflanzen-Gewächse - Gattung: Wachsblumen (Hoya) - Art: Hoya carnosa https://t.co/FkyDSlCa7E
Plant updates from this week! I got a nerve plant, clippings from a rubber tree bought in 1968, my Hoya carnosa is growing roots, and I got a humidifier for my plants! https://t.co/EMuKmtUvsL