نبات الشمعه والمعروف بأسم (Hoya carnosa) من المتسلقات الجميله تصل فروعها إلى 10امتار ضعه في مكان مشمس ومشرق ولكن مظلل من أشعة الشمس المباشره لمنع أوراق الشجر من الاحتراق ☔ https://t.co/cFuqb8bPSY
نبات الشمعه والمعروف بأسم (Hoya carnosa) من المتسلقات الجميله ☔ https://t.co/eCLAE8CwUD
نبات الشمعه والمعروف بأسم (Hoya carnosa) من المتسلقات الجميله ☔ https://t.co/ftnEIR9lnz
نبات الشمعه والمعروف بأسم (Hoya carnosa) من المتسلقات الجميله ☔ https://t.co/sm5epnE4xz
I miss you too baby and I hope you enjoy these photos of my hoya carnosa compacta https://t.co/pKZ7Ht0OZ2
hoya carnosa and pubicalyx are trying to escape https://t.co/wudUUuZKUr
Plants friends, recommend me my next impulsive hoya purchase! I’m looking for something relatively mainstream - I already have a carnosa, krimson queen, and pubicalyx https://t.co/Rub2H8xVyI
サクララン(ホヤ)の #花言葉 彫刻。感受性。傷つきやすい心 別名:ワックスプラント https://t.co/yVM5SJeQf3
Also: I got a Hoya Carnosa 'Krimson Queen' from my favorite local plant shop! It's my first #hoya so hopefully I do right by her! https://t.co/eQ7gh7OBz0
Had to get rid of my large Hoya carnosa tonight- it has been teeming with mealybug for months and nothing is working against them. I’ve tried everything and it’s just a liability. Took several clean cuttings before I chucked it.
@taehyungistaaa hoya carnosa (flor de cera)
@flutterfrond My Hoya! Not the same species, I don’t think (carnosa compacta, crimson queen, and pubicalyx) but I’m keeping my fingers crossed
Of the calathea I want a beauty star, a vittata, a mokoyana, and a dottie. I want a watermelon peperomia, a hope, and a string of turtles. The hoya I want are carnosa and compacta. And I want a parlor palm. And that ludisia discolor. And a haworthia and echeveria.
@toldbymariam2 hoya carnosa compacta
@Traumatonastie Hab jetzt nochmal meine fellow plant gays aktiviert und wir vermuten es ist eine Hoya Carnosa Compacta Kommt das hin? https://t.co/NyvDKzC8Qo
@feministspice @MPAVictoria Should I trim the brown ends off, or just leave it as is? I forget the name of the plant. I've also got a hoya carnosa that I get some lovely flowers from 6 - 10 times a spring / summer. https://t.co/6rlT0Qz8jw
@feministspice @MPAVictoria I did a couple cuttings for a co-worker and potted them. I think they turned out well. I know a few things about plants because my mom had lots of them. I'm good with letting water stand for over 24 hours. The hoya carnosa produces some lovely flowers.
@feministspice @MPAVictoria My hoya carnosa stems from one shoot. There are some areas that are a bit unruly. I keep thinking that I should trim off some of the unruly areas and perhaps start new plants, but I haven't done it. I should possibly re-pot, or change the soil. Just wondering your opinion. https://t.co/ufyrjOF51T
@wonder_m_r Aeonium tabuleiforme, de nuevo se quiere morir (2a vez que se achica). Jazmín, tres intentos y ninguno duró más de una semana. Hoya carnosa que no sé que le pasa, estuvo +de un año bien y ahora de 3 plantas, tengo una muerta, y dos en coma :(
@sahinngizemm Hoya Carnosa namıdiğer mum çiçeği