@mimmy006 月兎耳とかはカランコエ科だから寒さに弱いよ
Kalanchoe Tomentosa: Learn Panda Plant Growing And Care https://t.co/xGXuqMdAQk
道の駅にて、また一つ多肉ちゃん買っちゃった雑誌見てて欲しかった月兎耳さん、可愛い仲間が増えました✨ #多肉植物 #月兎耳 #カランコエ https://t.co/mcmzL43zzR
カランコエ 月兎耳(3.0号)ks 現品 https://t.co/cqg7eyvR7c
And.. Sedum, an unknown Echeveria (maybe Blue Atoll?), Crassula Ovata (Jade Plant), Kalanchoe Tomentosa (Panda Plant, hope that one makes it), Crassula Conjuncta (Ivory Towers), Hoya Cornosa (Hindu Rope Plant)!
Kalanchoe Tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier' (Panda Plant 'Chocolate Soldier') - Tiny new fuzzy growth... via @gardentags https://t.co/7EndxtkX4i
Gostei de um vídeo do @YouTube https://t.co/9qtxeo2qx9 KALANCHOE TOMENTOSA (Orelha-de-gato)Projeto#VAMOSAPRENDERJUNTOS
I will not rest until I have - an aloe vera - a sweetheart hoya - a kalanchoe tomentosa aka pussy ears
Before i shared too, an interesting plant of the crassas (crassulaceae) (kalanchoe tomentosa), now, that i'm surprised by the sabila (aloe vera) (succukent); cactus as sabila are interesting for their..ability to grow in environments with minimal water & what they find in the air https://t.co/1AGBLNUV5F
Happy Friday! Check out these succulents, Kalanchoe tomentosa. They are most commonly known as “Panda Plants” because of their furry texture and brown spotted tips. ••• #pantaplant… https://t.co/E1fNOHphdn
栽培中のカランコエ属 Kalamchoe 9. 胡蝶の舞錦 Laxiflora Crenata Variegated 10. 品種不明 キューエンシス? Kewensis 11. 月兎耳 Tomentosa (panda plant) Pussy ears 12. 品種不明 うさみみ系 https://t.co/xB48U4LDwH
Just got two Kalanchoe Tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldier' plants for $1/piece @ Lowe's. My only guess is that they were on clearance because the edges brown. They probably thought they were all dying. Oh well! Got a great deal!
【C77】Kalanchoe tomentosa | さくらねこ #pixiv #touhou https://t.co/xqyW9Lvmn9 https://t.co/SCeaVfmklX
私本名Kalanchoe tomentosaです
How to Look after your panda house plant aka ( Kalanchoe tomentosa ) https://t.co/8w5UCj9TvR https://t.co/HdnNLCObLC
#Atlanta Loves #Succulents #Kids Love Succulents #MightyMidtown #HomeDepot #159 Loves Succulents Grrrreat Garden Party Today #KalanchoeTomentosa #Fuzzy #PandaPlant #Hands #ATL @freddyplants @JohnTuten2 @DanStuppiello @ChrisBergHD @jason_a_brehm @Danny_THD https://t.co/3vIH9cp2Xl
New favourites, Kalanchoe tomentosa Nigra and Crassula rogersii pic.twitter.com/LvixGBwhfz
בזכות הספר האחרון שקניתי גיליתי שיש מינים של קקטוסים שרעילים לכלבים וחתולים! ביניהם: - aloe vera - kalanchoe - tomentosa / laetivirens / thyrsiflora - agave americana - euphorbia - acrurenisis / lactea / milii / tirucalli. פשוט שתהיו מודעים, זה חשוב לדעתי.
@vinlynotvinyl I had to google these real quick so sorry if it’s inaccurate!! Pilea Peperomioides (round leaves), Graptopetalum Superbum (purple thing in the left corner), Kalanchoe tomentosa/chocolate soldier (fuzzy leaves), ruby ball cactus.