@TheFigen_ Opuntia ficus indica. Figo da índia in Brasil. Delicious!
@FChecker76 @rogergrrrl 1991,Environmental Productivity Indexes And Productivity For Opuntia-ficus-indica Under Current And Elevated Atmospheric Co2 Levels,Plant Cell And Environment,Nobel| Ps,2,3
@mimaz110 De beste fruit is Opuntia ficus-indica https://t.co/FRSwUpx4EW
https://t.co/OrETxQjyWO Antidiabetic Effect of Fresh Nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica) in Low-Dose Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet
Opuntia ficus-indica #planttwitter #photography #landscapephotography #landscape #plants https://t.co/Oi6lDjUHjx
KohlrabiBrassica oleracea (gongylodes) KurratAllium ampeloprasum (kurrat) LandangCorypha spp. LemongrassCymbopogon citratus LeekAllium porrum Lotus rootNelumbo nucifera NopalOpuntia ficus-indica OnionAllium cepa
PlantainMusa balbisiana PomegranatePunica granatum Poro poroPassiflora pinnatistipula Prickly pear fruitOpuntia ficus-indica Purple apple-berryBillardiera longiflora Purple guavaPsidium rufum PuruíAlibertia edulis Red banana passionfruitPassiflora antioquiensis
تين شوكي - ملك البترول (1962) Opuntia ficus-indica https://t.co/g2SttA47k7
Sa Figu morisca o Figuindia o Figu moru (Opuntia ficus-indica) est una matta de sa familia Cactacee
@naturalista100 Opuntia, nombre con el que se le conoce al nopal (opuntia ficus-indica).
กระบองเพชรกินได้ ได้รับการยืนยันจากน้องกระรอกที่ไม่ประสงค์ออกนาม จะวนเวียนมาแอบแทะอยู่เสมอ ต้นนี้คือ Opuntia ficus indica #vermiculite #pumice #perlite #วัสดุปลูกผสม #ดิน https://t.co/HiaNzfJbGZ
Opuntia ficus-indica mıymış bakıp bakıp durduğum çeviremediğim, kaktüs suyu mu?
@mttabei Yeah it’s an Opuntia ficus-indica which is a mostly spineless prickly pear that’s got a good flavor and it’s way easier to prepare than spiny species. So at least someone’s enjoying the nopalitos this season I guess :/
@ilkansaklar opuntia ficus indica kardeşim
#28agosto2022 #Matera #Basilicata Landscapes of Basilicata (Opuntia ficus-indica) #photo #photography #Photos #hacerfotos #photographer #photoftheday #photographie #PhotoTour #photograph https://t.co/mmK4ppPI7c
Arancia means orange Opuntia ficus-indica, the Indian fig opuntia, fig opuntia, or prickly pear. @india
Opuntia ficus-indica oooou figueira da Índia
@Rhizowen I think it was Opuntia ficus-indica. But not hardiness, rotted off before the temperature dropped.
Se coparte el artículo publicado "Efficiency of Opuntia ficus indica as a coagulant for gray wastewater treatment and its application in a pilot system" en: https://t.co/otn5Prmfav #polipapers #IngenieríadelAgua @PoliScienceUPV https://t.co/DbnOqc8fI3
@geococcyxcal Hongry Owl is a cutie! Is that a Barbary Fig (Opuntia ficus-indica)?