식물 세밀화 찾아보는 걸 좋아하게 된 게 보이지 않는 부분도 잡아내고 식물의 일생을 한 컷에 담아내기도 하기에.. 뿌리모습이 나온 세밀화들이 많았으면 좋겠는데... 식물에겐 위해한 일이라 그런지 찾아보기 힘들어서 아쉽 #천년초 세밀화 #Opuntiahumifusa https://t.co/XnELZuh5pY
제주도 백년초는 5℃이하에서 냉해 아마 이 아이는 영하의 겨울도 이겨내는 천년초 선인장이었나봅니다. #천년초 #Opuntiahumifusa https://t.co/6GzpIemhLZ
똑같은 줄 알았더니 다른 선인장 천년초선인장 학명: Opuntia humifusa 백년초선인장 학명: Opuntia ficus-indica var saboten Makino #천년초 #Opuntiahumifusa #백년초 #Opuntiaficusindica https://t.co/59Jq8FSuvK https://t.co/NoVQ9ZGRmx
천년초의 다양한 매력 #Opuntiahumifusa https://t.co/GdSkDwQTvL https://t.co/UwPek6BIti
Fleurs opuntia humifusa, été 2018. https://t.co/Y9SPoOQXCN https://t.co/kgDrIpchPk
Opuntia humifusa は非常に耐寒性が強くて北米の五大湖地方まで分布が及ぶ。 国内でも岩手県での戸外越冬例があるとか。 美しいサボテンだが、いらない分をそこら辺に捨てると侵略的な生物として振る舞う。 すでに実例があるので、栽培している人は不要な分を確実に燃えるゴミか穴埋めにすること。 https://t.co/tkJmcuGByM
hey i learned how to crochet and i just spent 5 hours doing it without looking at the clock once im working on (as close to) botanically accurate (as possible) plants and have done an opuntia humifusa flower (i started with an easy color palette sue me) https://t.co/xKK0dfWXmj
cactguy: My friend sent these shots from the Cape / Opuntia humifusa (Eastern prickly pear) Best of... https://t.co/iowgIqX9Fk
Opuntia humifusa https://t.co/WPAJSX0AHw
PMID: Pharm Biol. 2017 Dec ;55(1):1032-1040. PMID: 28183235 Abstract Title: Cactus cladodes (Opuntia humifusa) extract minimizes the effects of UV irradiation on keratinocytes and hairless mice. Abstract: CONTEXT: Cactus cladodes [Opuntia humifusa… https://t.co/wnXBX8Y5JD
PMID: BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jan 17 ;17(1):49. Epub 2017 Jan 17. PMID: 28095842 Abstract Title: Cactus (Opuntia humifusa) water extract ameliorates loperamide-induced constipation in rats. Abstract: BACKGROUND: Korean cactus Cheonnyuncho… https://t.co/qI0Bls7GaZ
PMID: Pancreas. 2014 Jan ;43(1):118-27. PMID: 24326366 Abstract Title: Opuntia humifusa ameliorated cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Abstract: OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Opuntia humifusa (OH) on… https://t.co/o21JFcehf8
PMID: Prev Nutr Food Sci. 2016 Mar ;21(1):31-7. Epub 2016 Mar 31. PMID: 27069903 Abstract Title: Extracts of Opuntia humifusa Fruits Inhibit the Growth of AGS Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells. Abstract: Opuntia humifusa (OHF) has been used as a… https://t.co/aaR74vzFF0
PMID: Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Mar 28 ;14(4):7140-54. Epub 2013 Mar 28. PMID: 23538842 Abstract Title: Effect of Opuntia humifusa supplementation and acute exercise on insulin sensitivity and associations with PPAR-γ and PGC-1α protein expression in… https://t.co/99mODsh1td
Fleurs d'opuntia humifusa. https://t.co/iZrzhlXReh #Succulentes
I'm digesting pie and working on my alphabet Here's Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) and Opuntia humifusa (Eastern Prickly Pear), a cactus native to the northeast. https://t.co/myUPvkuTL3
@Herzschlumpf @Fuuka_Reventon @GWsavedMYlife @birgitlissowsky @kambambum ♥️ Bild 1 und 2 zeigt einen Teil des Steingartens, in dem winterharte Kakteen (z. B. Opuntia humifusa und Cylindroopuntia imbricata) und eine Yucca glauca gedeihen. Bild 3 zeigt den Japanischen Garten. Bambus Pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboii'. #Novemberwetter2018 ♥️ https://t.co/0CgSscSO0s
Opuntia humifusa 2269 无敌?这是无敌?长两个手掌大还一堆刺,简直没点样子
After approximately 5 weeks of waiting for my Opuntia humifusa seeds to germinate, today one finally showed itself. I sowed 74 Opuntia seeds in total, one third got their shell clipped with nail clippers, .... https://t.co/2BKZkcVR7Q
cactguy: My friend sent these shots from the Cape / Opuntia humifusa (Eastern prickly pear) https://t.co/ecnDKbHjqd