The eastern prickly pear (Opuntia Humisfusa) - Can go weeks without watering. Fruit is edible and delicious.
@notemiIio gotta be apart of that opuntia fam
The name "tuna" is also Opuntia (scientific name for this type of cactus) in general; it was a word of Taino origin taken into the Spanish language around 1500 CE.
Bosque de opuntia ✨
@tanamfess Opuntia emang gitu, itu lebih tepatnya tangkai bunga yg bunganya rontok
@frankeen @tanamfess Careus, mammimallia, opuntia, dll. Ya apa yg kebetulan punya aja ~
@tanamfess Gw dibangunin mama gw pagi2 bgt (pdhl mlmny gw begadang) cuma mau lapor kalo kaktus opuntia dia dipotek org wkwkwkk. Pdhl tanah rumah kita tinggi dr jalan walaupun gaad pager dan naruh rak sukulen di samping. Jd orang itu sengaja bgt mau motelin kuping mickey mouse opuntia mamaku
criar opuntia é a mesma coisa que pedir pra ter 5 mil espinhos minúsculos nos dedos toda vez que chega perto do vaso
@opuntia__ earrings are annoying hshshshhs i hate it so much
@opuntia__ like those regular loop earrings? yeah they're boring, don't know what they decided to use them to their kid.
@opuntia__ AYE YOU LOOK CUTE
“That is the fresh, new nest of a Cactus wren in the Opuntia cactus plant there. Keeps predators at arm’s (spine’s) length.” -Kitty “Just going to stand on this ancient Barrel cactus and blend in. Plus, demonstrate my mohawk moves.” —Big Road
bunny ears catcus (opuntia microdasys) #cactus #cacti #opuntia #NaturePhotography #TwitterNatureCommunity #TexasFreeze
オプンチアのロブスタ、実生幼苗が42株ほどある 植え替え時なんだけどめっちゃしんどい 大丸盆の一種よ、いい値段で売れるから頑張りどころ この夏育てて秋冬商品にしよう 気合の入れどころ
Gracias @srta_starkey por estar hoy a tope por mi! Eres mi opuntia favorita baby! ❤️❤️❤️
@TbBrame My tower of Opuntia fell over in a windstorm and crushed my irises. Nopales for everyone!
@ochi_opuntia やっぱりネタは溜まる一方ですよね…笑 脇差漫画で途中のやつがあるんですが、鍋のお話描きたくなってぐぬぬ…ってなってます笑 脇差同士の鍋は遠慮なく好きな具をとっていきますが 誰かが食べられないとかはなく、ちゃんとみんな食べられるイメージがあります
@ochi_opuntia お忙しいのに返信有難う御座います!✨ きっとオチさん悔しい思いをしていると思ったので直接励ましの言葉をかけられたらと思ったのですが ほんとはに書いてどうにかして渡そうと思ってた内容なのですが結局春コミで渡せなかったのでこちらに失礼します。
.@collision For contrast, note that "prickly pear" has in fact stuck, perhaps because the Nahuatl equivalent "nōchtli" is hard to simplify? Also "opuntia" and "paddle cactus":