Vive, porque a vida sem espinhos é uma ilusão! (E o tabaibo, também conhecido como figo da Índia, é uma fruta da espécie Opuntia tuna Mill, pertencente à família das Cactáceas…) Zuromenha, Alentejo, 2022
@sabet "Prickly Pair" -looks like a cactus that the character is standing on with a fruit picker in his hand. -"Tuna" or "Opuntia"- native to Mexico, it's the cactus fruit. @Aeior_1 @DanteVelacion @vermzkii
these are opuntia tuna, thornless prickly pear cacti, so they would be quite comfortable
The name "tuna" is also Opuntia (scientific name for this type of cactus) in general; it was a word of Taino origin taken into the Spanish language around 1500 CE.
Show HN: Baun — an expectantly affixed opuntia tuna, incanted in Easy Programming Language.
Utiliza la hoja de tuna deshidratada en polvo (opuntia ficus-megapotámica) como floculante, aprovechando que es una planta autóctona de América. Con ECOGEEKS, cinco estudiantes tucumanos proponen crear videojuegos que no solo tengan un contenido interesante
@ParisHilton Indian fig fruits are Indian fig opuntia, Barbary fig, cactus pear, prickly pear, and spineless cactus, among many. In Mexican Spanish, the plant is called nopal, while the fruit is called tuna, names that may be used in American English as culinary terms.
As you can see, the Cow’s Tongue (Opuntia) cactus plant’s pads have many tunas. Tuna means cactus pear in Spanish. The Antelope squirrels and the Cactus Wrens go crazy for this fruit. Delish!
Species: Opuntia Prickly pear or cactus pear produce a fruit named tuna. It's one of the most underrated summer fruits imo.
" Merci Billie, ambil buat kamu juga jangan lupa. Silakan dicicipi dulu nak, sembari kalian makan saya mau menjelaskan kegunaannya. Buah Spesies Kaktus Opuntia banyak diolah menjadi selai yang disebut queso de tuna. —
Opuntia tuna ~ Javier López #Tlayacapan #Morelos #PuebloMagico #Tuna #FlordeTuna #Nopal #Campo #Gay
Sharing with you a beautiful endemic Opuntia species at the Southern highlands in Perú. Considered a great source of vitamines, is being used as a natural treatment to prevent degenerative diseases as cancer and diabetes. And.. the "cremolada de tuna" in Ayacucho.. delicious.
Yo en los orales mañana: el monte de parque es un ambiente natural que se encuentra en el artículo 42 de la Constitución y no se puede tener dos estados civiles q se contradigan y en el encontramos la opuntia vulgarmente conocida como tuna y su fruto es de 3er grado colineal
Opuntia – Opuntia monocantha Haw dan Opuntia tuna Mill
Opuntia albicarpa la que conocemos como tuna blanca. También se conoce como la tuna reina. Tiene escasas semillas y un agradable sabo
@LadyV1705 That's not the Victoria Garden, tho I understand why one would think so: they both have Opuntia Tuna growing. The one in background here was built from cacti from the giveaways. When I get back home I'll do a side-by-side.
Una tunita puede cambiarte la vida. Adopta una tunita. #Tuna #Nopal #Higo #Chumbera #Opuntia #Cactus
Day 25 of the #inktober challenge: #PRICKLY #pear. #inktober2018 #ink #watercolor #illustration #illustrator #drawing #naturalhistory #botanical #cactus #fruit #desert #opuntia #nopal #tuna #higochumbo #figuedebarbarie
Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - Propiedades medicinales de la Chumbera TUNA Nopal Opuntia ficus
Gymnocalycium Gibbosum Matucana Polzii Opuntia Tuna Turbinicarpus Ysabelae The other 4 cacti I picked up yesterday from the giveaways. Not pictured: Echinocactus Grusonii. - #FuckTrump