rare bulbe ornithogalum caudatum ans http://bit.ly/cLLj40
My pregnant onion (Ornithogalum caudatum) is lookin' to make babies, the pretty way. New post at The Indoor Garden(er): http://bit.ly/bNYZ8d
Also, my Ornithogalum caudatum is finally opening flowers on its spike. Crazy, beautiful plant!!
@yougrowgirl Awesome! My Ornithogalum caudatum is blooming today, too!!
Y florece el Ornithogalum caudatum, comúnmente llamada cebolla embarazada. Planta de origen… https://t.co/YNwuzuS8Br
これおもろい。オルニソガルムカウダーツム コモチカイソウ(子持海葱) 学名Ornithogalum caudatum http://t.co/RDigv84pmA