my friend bought me this little namjoon pot for my birthday a while ago and i’ve put one of my oxalis triangularis bulbs into it
@PictureThisAI That’s Oxalis Triangularis not wood sorrel and it hasn’t moved, it’s on the the same table and with same cabinet behind. It wasn’t remotely sick, the sun just came out!
oxalis triangularis oxalis triangularis oxalis triangularis oxalis triangularis
@PESKYWAABBIT Oh and a very stringy oxalis triangularis
One of my favorites, oxalis triangularis also known as shamrock
@Botanygeek Oxalis Triangularis. Yes or No?
Já está determinado, pela lei do ritmo circadiano, que, aqui no hemisfério norte, eu morro durante o inverno e só ressuscito na primavera, junto às plantas, pari passu com o caladium e a oxalis triangularis roxa. E, sim, morro de novo depois do natal.
Some fun flowers are blooming in the office/plant hoarding room. The white flowers are on Oxalis triangularis. The weird red/yellow one is from a Sarracenia hybrid, 'Bella' (Juthatip Soper x Sarracenia leucophila), on a truly ridiculous long stalk.
Mami me regalo una Oxalis triangularis verde ❤️
The Oxalis Triangularis (Purple Shamrock) is blooming... #SpringHasSprung
Further to this, I’m starting a ‘Plant of the Week’ feature (the winner gets to sit on the wicker throne). First up, my Oxalis Triangularis. She’s blooming and her beauty is beyond compare imo. 10/10.
@gevemac Looks like Oxalis triangularis sub-specimen papilionacea - I think. Check out
Wenn ich eins hasse, dann angeguckt zu werden als ob ich doof bin, wenn ich Recht habe. Ich war im Pflanzenladen weil die Oxalis Triangularis neu da hatten. Frage ich danach, guckt die als ob ich mir den Namen gerade ausgedacht hab. Du arbeitest da, du solltest die Namen kennen.
like something named aeschynanthus radicans you have no idea what it looks like or what the hell it is. but then you get oxalis triangularis and oh, what a fucking surprise, color me shocked that it is Triangle
I think every plant store across the US decided to get shipments of purple clovers (oxalis triangularis) at the same time, they're everywhere rn lol
@annainthetoon1 Oxalis triangularis! I love them too!
I can officially say that I am a proud owner of an Oxalis triangularis plant baby
@PictureThisAI Professional horticulturalist here. This is a deceptive advert. Oxalis triangularis naturally folds/closes in the dark. It opens again as the sun comes up. I've also got a client who tried this app and I had to correct the plant names numerous times.
@William07491650 Yes, the purple one, oxalis triangularis is real tasty, mine is just coming back this year tho is very weak, I should have split it long ago. Not to consume to much tho I believe some kind of acid build up or something.
Pinks 2020 joy #FlowersOnFriday Purple Sage Knapweed Gladioli Oxalis triangularis Lil bee & sleepy bee