Omg a Peperomia pellucida!!! Adding this to my collection. chz. It's interesting though that this ubiquitous and edible weed has cousins in the genus that are widely cultivated and collected. It's a cute plant in any case, and I like seeing it.
Allium sativum Cassia alata Psidum guajava Mentha arvensis Peperomia pellucida Vitel negundo Momordica charantia Quisqualis indica Carmona retusa Blumea balsamifera Repeat
Informasi kesehatan ini telah ditinjau oleh dr. Jati Satriyo. Sumber: BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017. Aqueous extract of Peperomia pellucida (L.) HBK accelerates fracture healing in Wistar rats. Sumbernya bnyk sih gue sebutin sgini aja
@xxadnda Suruhan/Peperomia pellucida nek ga salah?
@DukeCondet Daun surukhan atau peperomia pellucida bang
Unconventional fooood: Talinum triangulare, Peperomia pellucida plus Portulaca oleraceae, plus tomatoes! #saladpamore