@springuaa Pokeberry ( Phytolacca americana ) — многолетнее растение, которое обычно растет в южных регионах С Штатов. Для некоторых это инвазивный сорняк , предназначенный для уничтожения, но другие узнают его за его удивительное использование, красивые пурпурные стебли и/или фиолетовые
Arbre de tinta (Phytolacca americana) en el bosc de ribera, originaria de EEUU i trobada arreu de Europa. Té parts comestibles però és també altament tòxica pel bestiar. The American pokeweed is native to the eastern United States and has spread throughout Europe. https://t.co/8UKK6HA1fu
#植物園 小时候经常摘来玩的一种植物,没想到是外来入侵物种。#vegetation 垂序商陆(学名:Phytolacca americana L.)属植物多年生草本植物。根供药用,治水肿、白带、风湿,并有催吐作用;种子利尿;叶有解热作用,并治脚气。外用可治无名肿毒及皮肤寄生虫病。全草可作农药。 #plants https://t.co/lOzzQJBL0n
@jabawe62 Phytolacca americana. It's a poisonous plant⚠️
@theluthier63 @ColinCharlton8 What is it Tom. ‘American raisin’? Phytolacca americana? Nasty stuff. https://t.co/FgA0EoEddw
Thread. (8/11/21) Looks to be Phytolacca americana aka American pokeweed/American Nightshade. Informed my friend that while it's a food source for birds it is poisonous to humans & dogs. #garden #FlowerHunting #flowerphotography #flowerhour #photographyisart @ThePhotoHour https://t.co/b6UkytYZDW
phytolacca americana monster, you have my heart and cock
@kan_USJ_ ヨウシュヤマゴボウ(Phytolacca americana)
#WildflowerHourNYC & #WaspWednesday & #InsidiousFlowerBugWeek Trifecta! American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)is blooming all over now in NYC and insect peeps are noticing. Here's a Hump-back Beewolf (Philanthus gibbosu) and tiny flower bug (Orius insidiosus) in the mix. https://t.co/VBfEZOFvno
@TeetatFarm @HighVoltageEng Yea sir, here we call it Polk Weed. Phytolacca americana, also known as American pokeweed, pokeweed, poke sallet, dragonberries is a poisonous, herbaceous perennial plant in the pokeweed family. They would cook it twice so it’s safely edible. The green part.
@LoveVViitch @wonder_m_r Mi app dice que es Phytolacca americana
The chaya, I prepare the same as granny's poke salad (phytolacca americana) the "e" is silent in "poke." Boil, drain, boil again, fry in a little oil of choice, with egg. Some say poke is poisonous, I'm here to tell you, it's not. https://t.co/9O0GXGjSPf
@Saskajanet My pokeweed - Phytolacca americana is covered with robins every morning! ♥️
@NuovoNickname @rschrae16 In mezzo mi pare ci sia anche una Phytolacca americana, ma non vorrei sboronare a vanvera..
@RTarifaM @PAISAJE_lab Phytolacca americana
Avui, guerra a la Phytolacca americana. N'està ple. https://t.co/hKslSFkrl1
@HoarseWisperer Common Pokeweed Phytolacca americana The berries are toxic.
@HoarseWisperer Phytolacca americana---Poke weed/pigeon berry/ink berry. Young shoots edible if cooked in 3 changes of water, becomes more toxic as it gets older.
@HoarseWisperer Very specifically, it is called American Pokeweed. Latin name Phytolacca americana.
Phytolacca americana L., (pokeweed), American species that has recently started spreading throughout Europe. Apart from being invasive, it is also poisonous. #pokeweed #invasivespecies #plants #ecology #botany https://t.co/uSmel4o5C4