All I want is a pilea peperomioides... like so damn bad
i have a guiana chestnut (money tree), a pilea peperomioides (coin plant), viper's bowstring hemp (snake plant), and an aloe plant. so if anybody has any advice i would greatly appreciate it
@vaklings Pilea Peperomioides :D
@conansivan or a pilea peperomioides (? spelling)
Am getting a pilea peperomioides, fam!!!
Houseplants that Im hoping to get next month or so. 1. Monstera Deliciosa. Yes. 2. String of Hearts. Like damn. 3. Pilea peperomioides. Cute but expensive af 4. Opuntia/Bunny Ears cactus. Such a cutiee
@Barrettsbeef Pilea peperomioides! And a succulent in a dinosaur planter
I have a watermelon coleus, a pilea peperomioides, a golden pothos, 6 succulents, and soon to have a syngonium erythrophyllum, a ruby cascade peperomia, and a maranta and I feel like I need to name them. What's the plant version of a crazy cat lady because I'm becoming one.
@carlanami31 @heatpenn It’s a Pilea Peperomioides aka the “Chinese Money Plant”. They’re so cute!
I was gifted this Pilea peperomioides by a former coworker of mine, when it was only an inch tall. It’s since gotten so large that I ended up pruning the main stem off as it was leaning too much! Here it is, in an 8” azalea pot, all branches and babies. …
@emmamusi64 ☺️クレオパトラ、葉の模様がクレオパトラのアイライン?みたいに見えるね。 ☺️サンセベリアのこれは、根元から新葉が生えてくるけどスティック状じゃないのよ。 ☺️ピレアペペロミオイデス可愛いな。ピレアって聞いたことがあったけれど、見ると色々葉の模様が美しいあの人たちかーって分りました!
Qué bella planta, nunca la he visto en vivo, pero creo que se vería maravillosa en mi living. Se llama Pilea Peperomioides, también le dicen planta china del dinero.
I have 46 children... 1 cat, 6 philodendrons, 4 perennials, 1 pilea peperomioides, and 35 succulents. They all have names. If you’re trying to get laid you better learn all their names
@la_miss_petunia @_ceciliarivera "Cucharita”, “Planta china”, “Planta del dinero” y “Planta del misionero”. Pilea peperomioides o Peperomia.
Please say hello to my newest and roundest baby, pilea peperomioides.
@BobbyHCHo The friendship plant because it roots easily allowing you to pass it on. So many pilea available beyond the peperomioides
Una tradescantia i una Pilea peperomioides
New plants this week: Ficus Starlight (6” pot) and China Doll (4” pot) They both have such lovely foliage! Also restocked on String of Beads (6” pot), Jade (6” pot) and Pilea Peperomioides (4” pot) @ Thuja…
#greensnap に投稿しました。 #窓辺 #ピレア ペペロミオイデス #ピレア属 #ピレアペペロミオイデス好き
This is it. This is all of my plants.* . . . * Uhh... I forgot a whole table. See next post. Top to bottom, left to right: Photo 1 - maidenhair fern, asparagus fern, pilea peperomioides, rex begonia, satin pothos,…