#ピレア 安!植物のトレンド移り変わり早すぎ #Pilea peperomioides https://t.co/cEKG3RgyId
Definitely going to have enough Pilea peperomioides for a whole shelf next spring. Or to start a shop. #HowToRuinAHobby101
Hot dating wait you ->>> bit.ly/2DNe9gz #crassulaovata #pileapeperomioides #tropical pic.twitter.com/QxxnIp6ygc
수중 자구가 드디어 유리벽을 맞닥뜨렸다. 어느방향으로 향할지 궁금해. #pileapeperomioides https://t.co/DkmWc6xHcR
필레아의 물 주기. 흙이 마르고 나서도 이삼일 더 기다리다가 잎들이 아래로 축 처지고 나면 그제서야 흠뻑 준다. 너무 자주 주면 뿌리가 잘 발달하지 않고 잎이 말려요. #pileapeperomioides https://t.co/g9qaFUmmVL
Aquest és el millor dia de la meva vida d'aquesta setmana. Per fi l'he trobada. Enamorada és poc. #pileapeperomioides https://t.co/4e1TtgXdym
Pilea peperomioides [via Pinterest] http://t.co/l3bHFF9qYl
Wie o wie heeft er een Pilea peperomioides, oftewel Pannenkoekenplant, oftwel Chinese Moneyplant en zou daar een... http://t.co/tVtRNhG1R5
Pilea peperomioides, Ceropegia woodii 'Variegata' and Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven'. These are my mam's plants; she's such a foliage fashionista. #houseplants #succulentsaturday #foliagefashionista https://t.co/YY5NBTiXIu
How cool is this Pilea Peperomioides? Thanks florafaunaatl #chompandstomp2018 @ Cabbagetown, Atlanta https://t.co/Ppa7WkDmiU
Accidentally probably killed my Pilea Peperomioides plant by overwatering it and I genuinely cried earlier because I felt like the worst plant mom. Why am I like this?
¿Conoces la planta del momento? Es la Pilea Peperomioides https://t.co/anVApqJDYk
¿Conoces la planta del momento? Es la Pilea Peperomioides https://t.co/anVApqJDYk
So I've been wanting Pilea peperomioides for a while now, but I went for a walk on Killiney hill after my graduation and found some Umbilicus rupestre!! See first the Pilea, then the Umbilicus. Why isn't the latter a more common plant in horticulture??? Its even temperate! https://t.co/hQTwt9RMC3
Necesito ayuda con mi Pilea Peperomioides (planta del dinero china). Algunas hojas tienen los bordes negros y después de unos días la zona se seca :( Quizas es mucha agua pq no se ven para nada caidas las hojas...
お迎えしたい植物 瑠璃兜、アルブカ(スピラリスかコンコルディアナ)、ピレアペペロミオイデス、エアプランツテクトラム 覚えられないからメモ
Y(e)S! Let the sun shine in! This is #plantgang goals with a cool selection of plants like Sansevieria, Pilea peperomioides, Aloë arborescens, Euphorbia trigona, Begonia maculata, Maranta leuconeura, Anthurium crystallinum, Alocasia Silver… https://t.co/qA6eS0D1vx
Bones Bunny and the Pilea Peperomioides would like to remind you to vote! #pileapeperomioides #halloweenforever #election2018 #midterms #vote #plantlady #pilea #pileaplant #bunny https://t.co/zLINMR8kKr
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/ZcqoQtHtkH Ep 088: Pilea peperomioides Care & Propagation - Plant One On Me
I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/umNAoiUHHY Ep 088: Pilea peperomioides Care & Propagation - Plant One On Me