成長しているようなので、わりと水やり継続してます。 果たして正しいのでしょうか。 ポーチュラカリア 銀杏木 20/6/28 https://t.co/zTKrEVRiy8
@_etherealsouls Portulacaria afra var. (elephant bush) One of my favs and such a prolific grower! https://t.co/1ghJ8jF4J2
Estoy obsesionado viendo fotos de Portulacaria Afra convertidos en bonsai con raíz sobre roca. Son muy, muy hermosos.
@oohhnary Haha that looks like a Portulacaria afra aka elephant bush or baby jade
Portulacaria Afra https://t.co/nmMvNjjGOX
instagramdan darladığım yetmiyor gibi bir de buradan paylaşayım canım bitkilerimi: portulacaria afra (italik yazamadığım için tüm botanikçilerden özür diliyorum) https://t.co/fzWcyUhx6I
the seller had no idea what any of the succulents were, so my best guesses are: haworthia cooperi - corpuscularia lehmannii (?) portulacaria afra variegata (vareigated elephant Bush) (?) - cotyledon tomentosa variegata (variegated bear's paw)
@GardenEclectic Portulacaria afra, lost leaves, thrips. This is my 3rd Portulacaria the leaves drop off no matter what I do and a friend has exactly the same problem but he's given up after 2 plants
essa é minha lindissima portulacaria afra variegata nome dela é Olga https://t.co/YuyvLgj39U
@CraigyJ86 Medio picta is the one with the white in the middle of the leaf and green around the edge. It usually has redder stems too. I think yours would be called Portulacaria afra variegata. We have that clone too. Nice easy to grow succulent. #HouseplantHour
01. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que comiste carne? 02. ¿Cuál es tu planta y/o flor favorita? 03. ¿Te llama la atenc… — 01; ni recuerdo, JSÑFL:( 02; los cerezos, cactus, suculentas, la portulacaria afra, las rosas, los dientes de Leó… https://t.co/qB4cRkkKgX
i replanted some little dudes i recently acquired!!! (Portulacaria afra and Dieffenbachia compacta) https://t.co/eDAfXRYc9Q
@nonsonorossa È una portulacaria afra, un arbusto! Cresce in quasi totale autonomia e ha bisogno di tanto sole diretto.
Esplora il meraviglioso mondo della natura e aggiungi Portulacaria afra alla tua collezione di piante con l'app intelligente di identificazione delle piante ——PictureThis! https://t.co/ayMOyEZlpa https://t.co/ZawtRFQxXt
@Dyl_ishh I got myself a Pathos, Rainbow bush, Portulacaria afra, hatiora salicornioides. Pathos is probs the best house plant also most common. Also try a Jade plant. If u dont wanna search subscribe to succulent studios
They're a Portulacaria afra, native to South Africa which is dope https://t.co/KQzYpfU13J
Jade Enano (Portulacaria afra, Crassula) no es un árbol aunq puede parecerlo, es una suculenta muy utilizada por los aficionados... Te gusta el bonsai? Inténtalo #bonsaitree #bonsailife #bonsai https://t.co/kQhlGdD8RL
Portulacaria Afra Bonsa Update: https://t.co/xra8m3ar2R
Portulacaria Afra https://t.co/yk05LrzL7I
@pepecolubi Y una Portulacaria afra