Chagua RHODIOLA ROSEA badala ya kahawa/kafein Kahawa/kafein inachochoe kupanda kwa homoni za stress (cortisol) Rhodiola rosea in tea is a far finer alternative that won't negatively impact cortisol levels. Ukichanganya hii na MACA Utaenjoy zaidi hata ya utamu wa KAHAWA.
NOTE Rhodiola rosea ni adaptogen na ongezeko la adrenaline linapunguzwa kwa chronic usage of it kuitumia kwa muda mrefu (chronic usage), Japo huwezi fikia lengo bila kuchanganya/ku-switch na calmative/adaptogen herbs mfano Bacopa, gotu kola, magnolia bark na polygala tenuifolia
Rhodiola rosea itasaidia ku-replace pharmacology ya caffeine. Weka akilini kwamba pharmacology zao matokeo yake yanafanana lakini caffeine ina madhara, Rhodiola rosea ina faida. Nitakuja kuongelea pharmacology ya kahawa masiku yajayo.
Tirati sù con #RODIO_VIS rhodiola rosea, favorisce il tono dell'umore e la vitalità. Dormi bene con #RILAXA escolzia californiana, favorisce il sonno ed il rilassamento. Libera l'intestino con #EULAX favorisce motilità e regolarità intestinale.
@Igetthebags Stick it out and it will be well worth it, my friend. Make sure you’re keeping up with your magnesium, potassium, sodium, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin) intake and withdrawal symptoms will be minimal to none. Bonus points: inositol and Rhodiola rosea
@mc_catty L-Tyrosine L-Theanine Gingko Biloba Rhodiola Rosea B Vitamins For targeted calm and focus, I've started taking rosemary capsules
Rhodiola Rosea is truly a life saver....already feel so much calmer. Literally could have punched someone just now...
@C4DAVERLAB Try rhodiola rosea daily and valerian root before bed
Rhodiola rosea/sacra na Maca ndio mbadala sahihi wa KAFEINI. Maca itazalisha nishati, Rhodiola itafanya kazi ya caffeine (drive and focus), hali ya kuwa ni "adaptogenic" kwa maana mwili uta-handle stress vizuri zaidi, pasipo kuleta madhara kama ya kahawa/kafeini.
Rhodiola rosea: an effective natural anti-depressant. -
RHODIOLA ROSEA/RHODIOLA SACRA Zipo zaidi ya species 200 ila zinazotumika na kujulikana zaidi ni hizo mbili. ☘️Rhodiola rosea (Ya china) kwa jina lingine mzizi wa dhahabu “golden root” au “roseroot.” ☘️Tibetan Rhodiola (Rhodiola sacra) Ya Tibet Tofauti zao ni kama zifuatavyo
@pixel_br0 Rhodiola rosea na rhodiola sacra Zitumike kama mbadala wa kahawa? Kwani kahawa ina ubaya gani labda? Mbona zipo studies zinaonesha matokeo chanya kabsa ya kahawa. sielewi eti.
@univrslsoldier I found pseudoephedrine / ephedrine fine, Rhodiola Rosea is fine. First threshold effects of many things (e.g. dextromethorphan) have a mild simulant effect
My blue lotus and rhodiola rosea got stolen
Buy Rhodiola Rosea Supplements Online - Product Guide -
@guineapigb I take magnesium glycinate vitamin c vitamin d rhodiola rosea cordyceps lions mane and CBD
@megganrenayorf_ vitamins. b12, ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea.
いろいろとあって イワベンケイに 1人でツボってる
@ekorregatan Gul koさん、こんばんは! え、ロディオラってなんですか!? イワベンケイというのも初耳ですけど、もしかしてキノコの種類かな 登山を始めてから数多のキノコを見るようになって、中には薬になる子もあるのかなぁと実は思ってました!✨(*´꒳`*)