@blknoiz06 Sceletium tortuosum
@AbbieHollowDays @Wacmac82 @neauxna PS The Nama Damara people have used Sceletium tortuosum for thousands of years as medicinal plant to help them focus on long hunting trips. If you take too much your tummy runs. 1 pinch in the morning is a safe dose.
I like to stop and meet people.six weeks ago their were 3 Sangomas at the side of road selling bush medicine. I bought herbs and branches. The most interesting was Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) Bush Prozac. We are looking at a Therapeutic combo with Cannabis, natures medicine https://t.co/7wtLsUG4jp
@nombonisogasa Sceletium Tortuosum is a great plant medicine for those who suffer from depression. Take few drops or powder 1st thing in morning. It is a Euphoric, helps to stabilize & lift your mood, please try it. SA plant, grows locally. Saved me many times, I only take it when I need it. https://t.co/M1QLdPFUI5
Sceletium Tortuosum succulent. https://t.co/xnuwOKJjLc
@QaanitahHunter Good will come from this! I am a great advocate for Sceletium Tortuosum, a local desert medicine plant that is a fantastic mood elevator. Take a pinch each morning, highly recommended
@CewisLarroll Kanna - Sceletium tortuosum
Native to South Africa, kanna (sceletium tortuosum) has long been favored for its stimulanting and soothing aroma. Check our fermented kanna here https://t.co/x9Opme9DuQ #sceltiumtortuosum #africanplants #kratora
10 Grams – Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) Crushed Fermented Herb From South Africa https://t.co/cBpQwOgrBB https://t.co/UrAfIUuc1t
Global stress levels have increased over the last two years! Positive lifestyle interventions are important and can also be helpful to add a natural supplement like @DrBoxallsdotcom Sceletium Tortuosum With Avena Sativa to help combat stress, anxiety and depression! #LiveLifeWell https://t.co/Xnl4ivd1Hf
@dlakza @urbanjodi Try Dr Boxall's Sceletium Tortuosum, a vygie that grows in South Africa is the most wonderful Anti Depressant, just take a pinch in the morning, not too much or tummy runs. This plant has been used by our Bushman to stay alert & focussed during long hunting Treks. Saved me x
May Prof Mayosi rest in peace, he is a great hero. My mother was Manic Depressive, on Lithium. At 15 I had to Certify her on my own at local hospital. I looked after her for most of her life, she died peacefully in my arms at 75. Please do more research into Sceletium Tortuosum. https://t.co/IvyfO89ugX
@veganalpaka Sceletium Tortuosum. Pfanzliche Droge, die Kokain-ähnliche Wirkung hat, jedoch seh viel milder. Meiner Erfahrung nach hängt die Wirkun stark von der Person ab. Heute kam ich zu dem Schluss, dass die Kombi mit Alkohol echt nice ist, obwohl ich Alk eig nicht wirklich mag
Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) is een vetplant uit de ijskruid familie die in Zuid-Afrika voorkomt. Kanna staat bekend om zijn psychoactieve en antidepressieve werking. -> https://t.co/JUWGEUjtDG https://t.co/VAXnAEPj9o
Hoodia 500mg, Sceletium Tortuosum 260mg, Sutherlandia Frutescens 400mg http://www.experimentalpro.com/drboxalls.html
Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) é conhecido por elevar o humor, para diminuir a ansiedade, estresse e tensão e para suprimir o apetite. Em dose moderada induz a euforia e tem efeitos estimulantes, que em uma dose maior se transformam em sedação. Já quero essa plantinha
#vapefam #vapeon Kanna E-Liquid from Zamnesia (review): https://t.co/D18uYE7usV Trying this herbal smart liquid which contains Kanna (Sceletium Tortuosum) from Zamnesia. More herbal high reviews here: https://t.co/cPi2FEWLP0… https://t.co/n4MwoPHgsP https://t.co/RuINCAquwg https://t.co/V5fkRjSnfk
Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) es un psicoactivo estimulante y relajante. Ni una puta cosa me hizo.
@winemoons It’s also called Sceletium tortuosum, but Kanna is always easier to type lol