Lá em casa. Schlumbergera truncata, também conhecida como flor de maio, é uma cactácea epífita originária do Brasil. Tem cerca de 30 cm de altura e não apresenta espinhos. Seus nomes populares são flor-de-maio, cacto-de-natal, cacto-de-páscoa, flor-de-seda https://t.co/UJBkwStwCm
@dnzylm Sahte Noel kaktüsü olan Schlumbergera truncata, Cactaceae ailesindeki bir bitki türüdür. Doğal yaşam alanlarının subtropikal veya tropikal nemli ormanlar olduğu güneydoğu Brezilya'nın kıyı dağlarının küçük bir alanına endemiktir. Buymuş adı
Good Morning! #Schlumbergeratruncata #Plantas #Blogger Please everyone visite my post https://t.co/1CT7W60ZVO
Schlumbergera truncata @ioqce https://t.co/9BdDiTjBMi
@marieamccrory Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata)! A cactus that lives in trees in tropical forests, a really easy and rewarding plant
Habe mich immer gefragt, warum dieses Kaktusding im Winter blüht. Jetzt weiß ich es. Es ist ein Schlumbergera truncata Hybrid. https://t.co/vL4kVPF4dX
Planting Christmas' Gifts. Schlumbergera truncata 'Exotic Dancer' Plant. ☁️☁️ *Music: always *Musician: Rook1e #witcheswanttosavetheworld #SoundMovesMatter #growingstarseeds #plantmom #christmasgifts #schlumbergera #exoticdancerplant #video #plantvideo https://t.co/rhDnzWUeNE
Schlumbergera truncata #suculents #suculentas #suculentslover #plants #flores #flowers #natureza #nature #cactos #orquídeas #orchids #garden #jardim https://t.co/JazEicPkzn
@valterbjunior57 Exatamente é uma Schlumbergera truncata
@valterbjunior57 Flor de Maio, *Schlumbergera truncata*. É uma planta epifita, ou seja, vive sobre outros vegetais, endêmica da Mata Atlântica.
Mi Schlumbergera Truncata (Pata de jaiba/Cáctus de navidad) en Viña del Mar, Quinta Región https://t.co/BAQpd9A1Q0
I just tried my hand on micrografting on Schlumbergera (truncata and bridgesii) after watching a video. Apparently it works pretty well? I just ripped off some and used my about 3 month old Melocactus matanzanus seedlings. I don't mind losing them because I sowed tons of them.
@PMGilmartin @UniOfHull Schlumbergera truncata usually flowers in autumn and spring. Americans call it the Thanksgiving cactus.
@PMGilmartin @Khaph About half my 10 blooming now, 'Beach Dancer' pic 1 below, hasn't stopped since holidays. Yours possibly Schlumbergera x buckleyi, claws & zygomoporphy from S. truncata vary, claws less on 'Beach Dancer'. Can search on my handle + Schlumbergera for range of variance & threads. https://t.co/uM8IXhX948
NATURA 16 RV Botão de Flor-de-maio (Schlumbergera truncata). https://t.co/F4d1Jc4SOD
Schlumbergera truncata (Haw.) Moran - Kuva: Schlumbergera truncata (CC BY-NC-SA Mauricio Mercadante) https://t.co/SkZjb8vKPq https://t.co/OhVYZEGOdY
Tem algum(a) LOCA DAS PLANTA AÍ? - Tem canal novo no YT - Marca lá seu lembrete pra estreia - Replantio da Flor de Maio (Schlumbergera truncata) https://t.co/n5Athbzazm
@tabineko54 In Poland most popular plant which blooms in winter is Schlumbergera truncata. We call it December ❤️❤️❤️
@ziuteklebiedz I've never seen "Schlumbergera truncata" or "December". So I gooled it. And I find it very cute Thanks for telling me https://t.co/pLSrUQnOAf
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii), Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata), and Easter Cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri) do not have the typical requirements of most succulents. Although true cacti, they are epiphytic... https://t.co/J6t9gLyZnh