@PMGilmartin @GardenEclectic Rob, your beauty is a Schlumbergera x buckleyi, commercially prevalent hybrids involving S. truncata (Thanksgiving/Crab Cactus - zygomoporphic flowers & clawed phylloclades) & S. russelliana (Christmas Cactus, radial flowers & smooth phylloclades). It has characteristics of both.
@PMGilmartin Beautiful plants - I have a small one and yes you're right it's a Schlumbergera truncata - the Easter cactus Schlumbergera buckleyi has more rounded edges on it's leaf segments - hope this helps
@ChuckGrassley That is not a Christmas cactus, it’s a Thanksgiving cactus, believe it or not there are three different cactuses and are known by when they bloom. Cactus: Schlumbergera truncata, Schlumbergera x Buckleyi, Hatiora gaertneri all look the same
First #Schlumbergera flower opened! A nice white truncata hybrid, the cold in the farmhouse is causing its petals to develop a light pink blush https://t.co/qIJA8aejsB
Marraskuunkaktus (Schlumbergera truncata), tää oli mulle ihan uusi! Tässä on erikoiset nuput https://t.co/yX8aFFFZbV
@DrakoTakava Schlumbergera truncata
Cactus de Noël - Schlumbergera xbuckleyi - Schlumbergera truncata et Schlumbergera russelliana - Thanksgiving Cactus faaxaal.forumgratuit.ca/t1570-
あさのいろ おはよう シャコバサボテン:美しい眺め サボテン科シュルンベルゲラ属 別名デンマークカクタス クリスマスカクタス ブラジル原産 寒さに弱く5度以上 暑さをやや嫌う 春の葉摘みでバランス良い形 新しい葉をふやし成長を促す 秋に行う葉摘みも花のため 冬越株は地際3~5節残し摘む https://t.co/mxlkqV06Ad
ピンクや白の大株はお譲りして小さいのを購入して1年が経つ。花色は薄いオレンジ、シャンパンゴールド?葉を少しカットして挿しておいたものと親株。一緒に植えるつもりだったけど結局後回しで蕾の季節です。短日性植物。 #シャコバサボテン #Schlumbergera_truncata #Zygocactus pic.twitter.com/XmLm6JcscQ
A Schlumbergera truncata, também conhecida como flor de maio, é uma majestosa flor brasileira e é bem comum na casa de vó ou daquela tia que adora plantinhas. Ela pertence a família cactaceae e possui flores com tonalidades rosa, vermelha, laranja e branca. você já viu alguma? :3 https://t.co/H8mOEVkCNX
Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) http://bit.ly/4Nxh5F
Epiphyllum Ackermannii , schlumbergera truncata red type https://t.co/ZJxkggq4tV
My white flowering Schlumbergera truncata Thanksgiving Cactus in Bloom https://t.co/1lNAP2PmgS via @YouTube
@plantsmap Beautiful! Have 9 different, 4 named and 5 NOIDS, a wide variety of morphologies favoring one species or the other. Though doubtful yours is pure Schlumbergera truncata, most hybrids aren't - it favors the phenotype. Here's 'Red Aspen', one of the latest to bloom. https://t.co/EkcyRKCnhR
#HappySunday @Wikipedia Schlumbergera truncata https://t.co/OaA97hp6mG
@hayBEARS ...*Schlumbergera truncata - not all plants need be conventionally ingested to be considered medicine. All are of the Sacred Hoop. I wish for you many blooms.
Im sure not many of you like plants, but here are my main 3 children at the moment. Monstera deliciosa(Swiss cheese plant), monstera obliqua (Swiss cheese vine) and a Schlumbergera truncata (false Xmas cactus, I think) https://t.co/Vp975KtTdr
#10: Schlumbergera truncata 'Christmas Cactus' (Grower's Choice): Schlumbergera truncata… goo.gl/fb/r8QjnP #Plants #Flowers
Schlumbergera truncata or as it is more commonly known, Christmas Cactus. If you don't have one you… https://t.co/y9PwAa3zOg
Schlumbergera Truncata pinterest.com/pin/4940590216…