@orz_z サボテンのお花がかわいいみたいなので、来年は咲いて欲しい✨ 去年秋に七宝樹というセネシオが黄色のお花を咲かせたのですが、猛烈に臭かったです!
@piyokichi5656 スリットからですね笑 セネシオ属✍️はじめて聞きました♪ 七宝樹調べてみようかな
セネシオ 七宝樹です。室内栽培ですがそれほど大きく徒長してる印象がないです〜。 #セネシオ https://t.co/tPMODse7tO
七宝樹のフォルムが訳分からんすぎて衝動買い。マリオにこんな敵いるよね…?調べたらこんなにコロコロした連結じゃないみたいなんだけど、ここから一つ一つが伸びて大きくなるのか?グリネさんと同じセネシオ…意外。 https://t.co/qwtFDUP5j4
どんどん伸びてきた さては君…七宝樹だね…??? #七宝樹 #セネシオ https://t.co/KIZyhir0b1 https://t.co/JpkRjAbYDw
物々交換でもらってきました Echeveria 'Green Hill' (青山) Echeveria 'Ice Heart' (冰心) Cotyledon eliseae (小黏黏 ) Senecio articulatus variegata (斑入り七宝樹)の葉っぱ…ノーマルは葉挿しが出来たのだけど斑入りはどうだろう。無理言ってお願いしてもいでもらったのですが。 https://t.co/jLC1UcXjOG
@MysteryFujie そうそう、同じセネシオ?セネキオ? お花はほのかに甘い香りです。 同じ仲間なのに七宝樹のお花は違う種類の香りで苦手です。 これ拡大したらアブラムシが結構付いてて除去しました
七宝樹を眺めていたら、やっぱり斑入りのやつも持っていたらよかったなと思った。 セネシオの中での七宝樹やマサイの矢尻などは灰色に青紫が混ざっていてきれいだし、七宝珠の葉の裏はネオンのような紫色で美しいのよね。
First we have my baby #dioscoreaelephantipes! She's very young and I was surprised she won. If you search her up, you'll find that she can get huge! She was chosen because of the staging and her mounded and symmetrical caudiciform (though she is getting "hippy" and is becoming more almond/oval shaped). I didn't notice until later that she's definitely gotten around a centimeter bigger since I got her last summer. For the staging, I have @kactusqween and @plantgarage_denver to thank. Kactus Qween staked her for me and the pot was from Plant Garage. The pot was very popular with the judges and members~ Next we have my variegated babies: #crassulamuscosa #variegata and #senecioarticulatus #variegatus. I'm very proud of them! Though, it's a shame that my crassula is "forever second". He looks like he should be a part of a coral reef. Then we have my very tiny #gasteraloe "Monte Monroe". He placed simply because he's a very well shaped guy. Tragic story here. On my way to drop off the show plants, I went to buzz into the apartment and my headphones got caught on it's flowers and took off 6/9 of the blooms. But it's fine. Judges actually don't care much for the flowers on gasteria and haworthia. Next is my favorite succulent, my #petopentianatalensis. The underside of her leaves is such a GORGEOUS purple. And she is just as purple in real life! It was particularly hard for me to find another one of her (I just happened to get this one at a shop that did consignment with a collector). Turns out, one of the judges, actually sells seedlings of these for incredibly cheap! He says she's actually very common. It was a hard pill for me to swallow, given that I couldn't find another one until him. But it makes sense... While not commonly sold or cultivated, she's very easy to care for. Note, she is very prone to spidermites. When I first got her, she was riddled with spidermites and I would know when they came back because her leaves just drop like mad. The judge actually told me I should prune her the way one would with rose bushes. I'm hesitant, but with two seedlings on the way, why not?
涼しくなり 動きだしました。 #senecioarticulatus #candleplant #hotdogcactus #senecio #ロンドン多肉栽培 #mybotanynotes_2019 #etsyuk botanynotes.etsy.com
Throughly enjoyed the #planttalk at #malvernautumnshow by Brian Hiley and seeing some of his wife's Heather's collection. Imagine having 300 echeveria species ( in triplicate!) There is definitely a #wishlistplant or two in there 1.#dudleyabrittonii 2. #agavequadricolor 3. #echeveriacrinita (#echeveriapilosa hydrid) 4. #echeveriacoloratabrandtii 5.#echeveriataurus 6.#echeveriadouglashuth 7.#echeveriametallica 8.#senecioarticulatus 9.#echeveriaamoena
#セネシオ属 #セネシオ七宝樹 #七宝樹キロロ 皆さまこんにちは 本日も元気に営業しております( ¨̮ )‼︎ ピクルスみたいにみえる#観葉植物 笑 #鹿児島 #鹿児島市 #鹿児島園芸店 #園芸 #ガーデニング #シャンドフルール
セネシオ 七宝樹(2.5号) https://t.co/Y7CzSvaBk0
七宝樹にも蕾が。グリネと掛け合わせれば作れるだろうか? Senecio articulatus has some buds now. Usually I pinch the buds off due to its unpleasant smell but this time I won't. If the String of Pearls flowers on the same time, I will try cross-pollination of these two species. https://t.co/eubWE9NMBv
アメブロを更新しました。 『咲いてました!』 #七宝樹 #セネシオ https://t.co/FkqeWCtyDK
おはようございます☁️ 今日の多肉ちゃん #多肉植物 セネシオ属 七宝樹 鉢が狭くてごめんね 今時期植え替えしたらまずいかな? https://t.co/z3V3Emh945
Senecio articulatus (セネシオ 七宝珠) 表のハンギングバスケットで雨ざらしで育っていましたがナメクジなどに葉を食べられつるっつるになってしまいました。掘り出して裏で育てていますが葉は出て来ませんね。深い鉢に植えると分節せずそのまんまキュウリみたいになります。葉挿しも可能です。 https://t.co/21ys1hNmSG