@MarshyMooz Is it the Purple Heart a.k.a Tradescantia Pallida? https://t.co/UD8k5F3Wo4
@futurechaosl >どうやら違う そう思われた理由は何でしょうか? 私には、記事に書かれているとおり、ムラサキツユクサ属(Tradescantia)に見えます その上で T. ohiensis(ムラサキツユクサ) T. virginiana(オオムラサキツユクサ) T. pallida 'Purpurea(ムラサキゴテン) とは葉が全く異なるなと思いました →
@hummpffs @kotkucosan @BalaKonuskan @aydintufekci43 @alpertuydes @birddetectiveTR tradescantia pallida aslında bu. zebrina mor - gri çizgili olan.
Pink coleus also been w me for a year and a Tradescantia pallida that has grown so tall!!!! In such a small planter!! https://t.co/wmVaINCwkm
Ma Tradescantia pallida qui grandi très très vite je l'aime tellement fort (oui bon le cache pot avec l'autocollant made in France mdr) https://t.co/MRoaPjQdvN
Every time this Tradescantia pallida flowers I get a lil Serotonin. https://t.co/h0JkGarAz5
@RoosterMC78 Tradescantia pallida https://t.co/lNhnCpSENn
Nome Científico: Tradescantia pallida purpurea Nomes Populares: Trapoeraba-roxa, Coração-roxo, Trapoeraba, Trapoerabão Origem: México Suas folhas e caules são roxos, e tem pelinhos, suas florzinhas são rosas e abrem somente de manhã (se quiser vê-las tem que acordar cedo rsrs)
@RoosterMC78 la mayoría con esas características son de lugares selváticos, y cálidos. Es razonable que las pierdan... pero tenés algunas que subsisten bien (excepto a las heladas) como las Tradescantia pallida, o la T zebrina si buscás algo bajito o la Dodonea viscosa, si buscás un arbusto
J'ai fait plusieurs boutures de tradescantia zebrina pour aller avec ma tradescantia pallida (j'adore les misères et en plus c'est super facile a faire tenir xD) Je tente aussi avec une ceropegia et une pilea mais j'y crois pas trop pour celles-ci mdr
THIS IS A TRADESCANTIA LOVE POST (t. zebrina, t. nanouk, t. fluminensis variegata, t. pallida) https://t.co/viZRLY64kG
@Saboo0r Purple Heart یا اسم علمیش Tradescantia pallida من عاشق این خانوادۀ (Tradescantia)م. گونههای فراوونی داره، یکی از یکی زیباتر، همه هم قوی و منعطفند.
Tradescantia Pallida, Art Is the Process of Interpretation, the Surrounding Garden of TLVIV New Dogma Collection, April 22, 2020, Digital, Documentury. TLVIV Art Blog, (C) 2020 https://t.co/xxZ5XOu9hp
@sweatygay420 the “purple queen” variety of “wandering Jew” aka Tradescantia pallida!
i came across the most beautiful flowering tradescantia pallida today - ima take that as a good omen / good luck for this week ˃̶̤̀◡˂̶̤́
Purple Heart Tradescantia pallida https://t.co/gvJTwpb3Sm
@witnips Actually, if that's it, it looks like the proper name is Tradescantia pallida ("Wandering Jew"/"Purple Heart"). Refusing to figure out where "Setcreasea" comes from (and I *really* need to know now) or I'll spend the rest of the night between scientific papers and wikipedia.
My Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' cutting is flowering! Note the 3 petals? That's a great way of telling if something is a Monocot, and will help you identify the plant better. If you learn a few 'types' of flowers, it'll really help you with future identification! https://t.co/YBsf916vro
Taking tradescantia pallida (purple heart) cuttings is a great way to save money while extending your succulent garden. Try this easy free guide. #succulents #gardening #aridgardening #homesteading #frugalliving https://t.co/3jaiitekgx https://t.co/xwE7fPLiK3
今晩は〜! 今日も続けるょ 2018年花の振り返り 我家の庭に今年はまだ咲いていないムラサキゴテン(紫御殿) 別名 パープルハート、セトクレアセア 学名 Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' ツユクサ科ムラサキツユクサ属 原産 メキシコ 花期 7~10月 (‘18/10/25撮影) https://t.co/s9LGkphsZL