ウェルウィッチア気になる #和名はキソウテンガイ(奇想天外)
Welwitschia mirabilis Descubierta en 1859 por el botánico austríaco Friedrich Welwitsch (de ahí su nombre) es endémica del desierto de Namibia y está considerada por algunos como un fósil viviente. Lo más significativo es su longevidad. + https://t.co/CYGXmyKt13
BAUMFAKTEN TEIL 9 Welwitschia mirabilis Die Welwitschie ist eine Pflanze, die natürlich nur in der Wüste Namib, in Namibia und Angola, vorkommt. Obwohl sie mehrere hundert Jahre alt wird, besitzt sie nur 2 Blätter, die aber eine Länge von bis zu 3 m erreichen. https://t.co/RGt7qBKXoy
Had a dream abt welwitschia mirabilis conservation last night...... it’s a sign from the grad school Gods I think #someoneputmeinalab #orfundmefor2years #aspergillosis #notjustforkakapo #thisisacryforhelp
Welwitschia mirabilis. Parece un conjuro.
奇想天外(四字熟語じゃなくて植物の名前:学術名はWelwitschia mirabilis)1対だけの葉を延々と伸ばす変わった植物現生種はなかなかの大きさ。まるで色違いのモンジャラだよー! https://t.co/sM4aZww8g1
@JordanVillegasM Bueno, pero ¿para qué ver una Welwitschia Mirabilis (que está fea) cuándo puede ver idk, una rosa que es más linda? Ehh. Pero interesante, gracias por compartir, ah. :)
In other news, On 2019-04-21, I planted a Welwitschia mirabilis seed. It takes anything from 2 to 10 weeks for the seed to germinate. The odds of getting a plant from the world's oldest desert to germinate on my window sill in Johannesburg are less than 10% https://t.co/aDRvevjUJL
Week 0 - Welwitschia mirabilis Seed 1 Project. I will keep you posted weekly. I am sure you are dying to watch the growth/non-growth of a 2 leaves plant https://t.co/ENZ7xgIDUR
اسمي اليديد: الفليفيتشيا الرائعة (Welwitschia mirabilis) من أقوى النباتات على الأرض وأكثرها غرابة وندرة. تشبهني، بطيئة النمو جدًا لكنها تعيش لأكثر من ألف سنة، لها ورقتان فقط وتنمو لين ماتلتف حول عمرها، تقدر تعيش ٥ سنين بدون ماي بس يتم طعمها لذيذ لو تنأكل.
The “living fossil” Welwitschia mirabilis, a unique gymnosperm that can live 1000+ years, is endemic to the Namib Desert https://t.co/n7XzY4X9DT. Aardvarks, WARTHOGS, MONGOOSE, & cheetahs roam Namib-Naukluft https://t.co/JINDUeTwjx #2019MMM https://t.co/eCgyhrOMFZ
https://t.co/ZdXAV1HHWx Welwitschia Mirabilis can live as long as a 1000 years. That is if I can get one seed to survive 2 years https://t.co/Qw66QZrfFB
Not sure about y'all but I'd not want to be grand master of an ancient plant. Welwitschia Mirabilis.
H. E President Uhuru Kenyatta was today conferred with Namibia’s highest award of honour, the Grand Master of the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis, by his host H. E President Hage Geingob for his contribution to democracy and good governance. #KenyaNamibiaRelations
【理並】園芸用の品種は「奇想天外」の名前で呼ばれる、アフリカのナミブ砂漠に生える裸子植物は? → ウェルウィッチア
Welwitschia mirabilis has the title of the world's most resistant https://t.co/0DCHJu6lxN can survive up to five years with no https://t.co/mUSP0qwsG1 is found only in the Namibian desert https://t.co/lwUV2KFnv6 https://t.co/1IH903lNA9
Roots point to water sources of #Welwitschia mirabilis in a hyperarid desert https://t.co/mKb717yooh via @gypsumbotany Welwitschia's rhizomal microbes may be involved in the uptake of water from gypsum, as was suggested for a gypsophyllic dwarf shrub in Spain. https://t.co/LIi9yIAkbz