Pennisetum macrourum, Miscanthus giganteus, Lavandula angustifolia Imperial, Hyssopus, Euphorbia Blackbird, Choisya Ternata, Cotinus
Our new friend, Euphorbia 'Blackbird' @ Merritt College
Frosty Euphorbia 'Blackbird'
Plant Profile: ‘Blackbird’ Spurge (Euphorbia ‘Nothowlee)
I planted a Purple Autumn Stonecrop, Euphorbia Blackbird, Bronze Ajuga, and Heuchera Caramel in the backyard yesterday. Huzzah!
@FarOutFlora maybe #Euphorbia Blackbird? it's gorgeous!
The #Gardening Channel: Euphorbia ‘Blackbird’
@gettingdirty @sweetrebecca @thegerminatrix ditto on the Euphorbia Blackbird
@rainbowirisfarm Euphorbia "Blackbird", Lemon Lace Vine, Heuchera villosa, Ornamental peppers (Black pearl, Sangria) for summer annuals,
Georgia Green Association loves giving us plants. I actually really like this one #EuphorbiaBlackbird