something went wrong with my car and now i have to leave it parked and waiting alone at the train station ._. so doooope also i’m pretty in love with this plant, i’ve been wanting a euphorbia tirucalli for awhile now, it reminds me of deep-sea coral
I've had this stick plant for months and it never did anything. But this week it finally grew some new branches and leaves yay! Euphorbia tirucalli aka Sticks on Fire. Kings of Leon may or may not have sung praises to this succulent.
ユーフォルビア属のミルクブッシュってやつ、色と形からミドリサンゴとか言われてるみたい トゲのない細いサボテンみたいなイメージある
@HenryNormalpoet The ‘Picture This’ app on my phone identified this as ‘ Pencil Cactus’ a species of Spurges. Botanical name: Euphorbia tirucalli.
Euphorbia tirucalli, aka Pencil Cactus Growing tip: full sunlight & drought-tolerant. Allow the soil to completely dry between waterings. Fact: highly toxic, may cause severe irritation and redness when touching it.
~ PATAH TULANG ( Euphorbia tirucalli ) ~ Tanaman Patah Tulang rasanya tawar,makin lama bisa menimbulkan rasa tebal di lidah , berbau lemah dan getah nya mengandung racun. Banyak sekali manfaat dan khasiat Tanaman Patah Tulang , diantaranya :
growing firestick succulents (Euphorbia tirucalli) from cuttings
@afauyfish พญาไร้ใบคับ (Euphorbia tirucalli)
I bought another Cereus Peruvianus, Sansevieria Cylindrica Boncel (Starfish Sansevieria) & Euphorbia Tirucalli (Pencil Cactus). Haven't found the perfect planters yet, so I decided to put the plants in the outside before moving them to my room. #PlantGuy #Succulent #Cactus #Boho
Someone once said "There's the way it is, and the way it should be." #FridayThoughts 20-March-2020. #EuphorbiaTirucalli @StormHour Photo by @EdJoyce
リプサリス警察?とかいうので一番アレだったのが、Euphorbia tirucalliをリプサリス ミルクブッシュって売ってた奴ね。射殺してしまった。
Euphorbia Tirucalli "Firestick Pencil Cactus"
@klabosnice Pryšec euphorbia tirucalli?
Euphorbia tirucalli/
After giving me weeks of anxiety, this Burle Marx I ordered on EBay is finally settled in. Buying plants online isn’t fun, but something’s you just can’t find in a store (unless I’m not looking well enough). #burlemarxphilodendron #philodendron #aroids #plants #plantsofinstagram #boyswithplants #gay #halloweenii #horrormovieaddict #plantaddict #planthoarder #christmascactus #schlumbergera #crassulaovata #jadeplant #pencilcactus #euphorbiatirucalli #princeoforangephilodendron #algaonema #aluminumplant #dracaenamarginata #drunkardsdreamcactus #hatiorasalicornioides
Dolci angoletti di casa. Finalmente una domenica da dedicare alle mie piantine. Ve le presento tutte: #crassulaarborescens #crassulaovata #crassulaportulacaria #rhipsalisteres #ferocactuslatispinus #euphorbiatirucalli #pileapeperomioides #ocinumbasilicum #scindapsuspictus
名前が怖❗️❗️『ホワイトゴースト』って誰が付けたんじゃろー??? カフェ☕️のお客様は☝️これを見て、「うわー怖い」ってほとんどの人が言うもんね➰ まぁ見た目で判断したら間違いね~な トゲトゲもしとるしな~~~ 多肉の中でも好き嫌いはあるけど? コレ☝を好きな方は多肉マニアだね #ユーフォルビア属 #トウダイグサ科 #ホワイトゴースト #多肉植物 #これ多肉植物 #インパクト大‼️ #トゲトゲしてる #春峰 #ミルクブッシュ #ユーフォルビアカメレオン #ユーフォルビアドラゴンボール #販売 #ココよつば #エケベリア属 #グラプトベリア属 #クラッスラ属 #セダム属 #セデベリア属 #ハオルチア属 #パキフィツム属 #アエオニウム属 #ガステリア属 #多肉植物を楽しむ #多肉植物のある暮らし #多肉植物を育ててみよう
Me di cuenta que existe el #euphorbiafriday pero nadie lo utiliza ¿Será que ya tiene otro día? . Lo voy a aprovechar para compartir este #familyportrait de mis #euphorbias pero creo que me faltó alguna Me encanta la gran diversidad de la familia #euphorbiaceae tiene alrededor de 7500 especies! . . . #euphorbialover #euphorbiatrigona #euphorbialactea #euphorbiatirucalli #euphorbiawhiteghost #houseplants #euphorbiaobesa #euphorbiainermis #euphorbiamammillaris #myplants #euphorbiapseudoglobosa #plantlife #euphorbiamyrsinites #plantpeople #euphorbialeuconeura #plantpots #terracottatakesover #plantcetera #house_plant_community #plantas #crazyplantlady #houseplantlovers #succulentplants #homesweetjungle
Zingiberacacae Mentha piperita Averrhoa carambola Allium ascalonicum Momordica charantia Lavandula angustifolia Eugania polyantga Annona muricata Apium graveolens Camellia sinensis Euphorbia tirucalli Nama-nama estetik
Helohopeapuu (Leucadendron laureolum (Lam.) Fourc.) - Kuva: 190504 034 Fallbrook Garden Tour - House 7 on Leon Way, Banksia speciosa, Euphorbia tirucalli 'Sticks on Fire', Leucadendron 'Jester' (CC BY cultivar413)