@bethbourdon Euphorbia trigona
Repotting Euphorbia Trigona today
@melanieplss sick Euphorbia trigona
euphorbia trigona, ambil langsung dari rumah. indukannya dulu beli di fky seharga 15 ribuan, sekarang tingginya sampe 2 meteran wkwk mantap. masih nunggu pot baru https://t.co/yVuciHAisL
My cactus (euphorbia trigona) is sprouting lil itty bitty arms!!!!!!! :0 https://t.co/Nvivkl2LUi
Feeling some houseplant love. Euphorbia Trigona rubra❤️ #houseplants #succulents #plants https://t.co/APyBjOaWDT
دقیقتر عرض کنم خدمتتون:euphorbia trigona rubra ی عزیزم
@memoriesinside @Michelotto8legs E isso aí na verdade não é um cacto, é uma Euphorbia trigona, uma espécie africana. Embora não pareça essa planta é mais próxima do bico de papagaio e da coroa de cristo do que de um cacto. Se trata de um caso de convergência evolutiva!
@itsafronomics Yes, most thrive on neglect, but need full sun to prevent etiolation, and most can’t stand frost. Good and common indoor succulents for normal indirect-light/ indoor conditions include Haworthia zebrina, Gasteria “Little Warty”, Rhipsalis, and some euphorbs like Euphorbia trigona
@nicioperri Esta me acuerdo la especie: Euphorbia trigona
hoje descobri que o meu cacto de quase 1.50m não é um cacto meu cacto é uma SUCULENTA????????????? euphorbia trigona rubra, ficou rubra agora que deixei ela direto no sol
@LunarArchivist @HappyKoromaru Yep! Probably Euphorbia trigona. I used to have one. I have the red version now (E. trigona rubra) and E. grandicornis. Just beware of the white sap. It's toxic. Irritating to people but dangerous to pets.
@Ivebeast It’s a Euphorbia trigona (African Milk tree)
Kalanchoe Daigremontiana - wants no fuss. Neither drought nor humidity affect it. Some consider it a nuisance plant, but it’s a survivor. Euphorbia Trigona Rubra - likes the spotlight. A sunny window will keep its red color bright. The occasional kudo is appreciated, ya know. https://t.co/mWCft0j1qA
Euphorbia Trigona, Mammillaria Elongata, Hylocereus (Dragon Fruit Cactus) & Notocactus #PlantGuy #Succulents #Cactus #Boho #Vintage #Rustic #DIY #Decor #RoomDecor #MyRoom #MiniGarden #RoomGarden #DiRumahAja #SelfQuarantine #IndoorGarden #S20Plus https://t.co/tKxcB6RZ6a
that tall boy is a euphorbia trigona. it’s a cutting from a cutting of the original that my mother bought ~45yrs ago, that was well over 6’ and thicc af w/ branches when it couldn’t hang anymore (the cutting of it got nearly as tall).
@chuuatsushi IS THAT A EUPHORBIA TRIGONA?? I have a tiny babie one in my room too
@tioavoniko @bicmuller Que tal colocar o real nome dele: Euphorbia trigona
. . 爆弾みたいな球体鉢 作り方はblogへ . 今日のblogは怖いデスwww . #峨眉山 #紅彩雲閣 #ユーフォルビア #多肉 #多肉植物 #ダイソー #100均 #リメ缶 #リメ鉢 #リメイク #植物 #庭 #ジャンク #寄せ植え #다육식물 #daiso #succulent #succulents #plants #garden #succulove #junkgarden #succulentgarden #junk #green #remake #gardening #euphorbia