Hoya kerrii ( küfür değil gerçek adı bu :d) yeni saksısına aldım :D https://t.co/tyRb2U4IL9
My single leaf Hoya Kerrii died! Huhu!
I really want to buy a Hoya Kerrii cactusy thing (if it’s even considered a cactus) but can anyone tell me how to look after one, it’s too cute to kill within a week. https://t.co/fB3tVWki0Q
Day dreaming of finding a hoya kerrii with a node on it so it can vine
look at my cool new plants. one is a heart plant (hoya kerrii) and one is a boob cactus (Myrtillocactus geometrizans 'Fukurokuryuzinboku') https://t.co/Z4ABUughii
#heart #hoya #kerrii #leaf #plants #terrarium #fishfoods Hoya kerrii https://t.co/lKOQMHwWEz Price starts from 6.99 GBP! https://t.co/2NTA6ZGgSn
If you plan on buying a hoya kerrii then I suggest buying a stem propagated one instead of the leaf propagated hoya..
Why do people sell this expensive hoya Kerrii? I dont think this will grow into a plant tho. It’ll stay like that forever.. or is it just my plant? https://t.co/4AuWt43j3b
@kerrii_hoya NOT TRU
@konjak been searchin for this lil Hoya Kerrii for aaaages, im excited ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
@BosnianHistory @kerrii_hoya @bahuljam
@MidoriMushrooms @konjak Hoya Kerrii
this started bc i noticed my hoya kerrii plant put out a stalk
@kerrii_hoya Joj moja osnovna škola, de malo kris braun vit ju
@kerrii_hoya Ako nađeš, zamolila bih te da mi proslijediš.
@kerrii_hoya To su ti najpametnije knjige ikad
@kerrii_hoya Garantujem ti
@mikeyil i need some help figuring out how to repot my hoya kerrii if you’re up for a challenge!
@kerrii_hoya Andaluzija
aw i want a hoya kerrii plant