#Tillandsia brachycaulos is pollinated by #hummingbirds. They are drawn to the plant by the red foliage. http://t.co/H8CvGAU1
The tillandsia brachycaulos is a fast growing and water loving species which quickly becomes a large cluster, as it is a prolific "pupper".
tillandsia brachycaulos- known for the brilliant red coloration of the leaves when it comes into flower, remaining colorful for months.
#Airplant, #Tillandsia brachycaulos multiflora will grow into large, stunning, clumps or balls as time goes on. http://t.co/z5aRJiCzqW
Our Bloom of the Day is the delightful #Tillandsia brachycaulos multiflora. These form beautiful living spheres! http://t.co/KDxA2Neg
Bloom of the Day, #Tillandsia brachycaulos x concolor makes for a vibrant mix! http://t.co/MGqx3w7j
. Gdmg Tillandsia brachycaulos . Brachycaulos become red when the flowers arrive. It is the same… https://t.co/4VdnbvqqW0
Swimming in a sea of blooming Tillandsia brachycaulos air plants over here! #airplants #tillandsia #bromeliads #hort http://t.co/2Dyao9CPtA
Tillandsia Brachycaulos with redish pink blush. Beautiful! #greenology #greenologypeddlersvillage #greenologyorgani… http://t.co/mh6ve7cjc8
※ 一気に紅葉してきたー!!! ※ #チランジア #エアープランツ #ブラキカウロス #Tillandsia #AirPlants #Brachycaulos https://t.co/WoWhyZREOK
Red Tillandsia @AppTropicals The red foliage of Tillandsia brachycaulos http://t.co/XEatDjbH4S
The red foliage of this Tillandsia brachycaulos #airplant is as interesting as the #flowers & #hummingbirds love it http://t.co/7yBEw8Jy6m
These Brachycaulos airplants turn from green to red when they are ready to flower! #tillandsia #airplants #epiphytes http://t.co/ICBqn3dwHs
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