#Tillandsia of the Day, T. capitata red. The leaves of this #airplant turn from green to red when blooming! http://t.co/IxyQDTRi
Tillandsia peach capitata are a species that have beautiful purple flowers for just a few days.
The beautiful Tillandsia capitata 'peach' is native to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Mexico. It grows on rocks.
. Gdmg Tillandsia capitata yellow.… https://t.co/0Gdgn1t5at
チランジア連れて帰ってきてしまった!左からトリコロール、セレリアナのスペシャル、フックシィ、カピタータ https://t.co/u0QiO27s9a
Damn they're awake now... And escaping! #tillandsia #abidita #argentea #capitatapeach #filifolia… https://t.co/4dpTylzxaS
@AppTropicals I have Tillandsia capitata peach, T.soft stricta, T. harrisii, T. ionantha, T. bulbosa...love me some #airplants!
今持ってるチランジアが何の品種か思い出せない。 アエラントスとカピタータ、ブラキカウルス、コルビーだったかな?
Love this arrangement by Demelza: T. capitata ‘Mauve’ & T. aeranthos #13 #airplant #tillandsia #epiphyte #asheville https://t.co/xlrzdUjZrf
Tillandsia capitata xerographica air plant in bloom! #airplants #flowers #hort #epiphytes http://t.co/7oCiuI8Swl