綠毛毛 學名:Tillandsia filifolia #空氣鳳梨 #綠毛毛 #Tillandsia #tillandsia #tillandsialove #tillandsias #tillandsiaionantha #tillandsiacyanea #tillandsiathailand #tillandsiabutzii #tillandsiacaputmedusae #tillandsiaflower #空氣鳳梨 #空鳳 #空氣鳳梨 #空氣鳳梨不是草 #空氣鳳梨日記 #空氣鳳梨 #園藝 #園藝治療 #園藝農場 #綠 #攝影 #手機攝影 #攝影日記 #霧峰
半紅小精靈 學名:T.ionantha"Rubra" #tillandsia #tillandsialove #tillandsias #tillandsiaionantha #tillandsiacyanea #tillandsiathailand #tillandsiabutzii #tillandsiacaputmedusae #tillandsiaflower #空氣鳳梨 #空鳳 #空氣鳳梨 #空氣鳳梨不是草 #空氣鳳梨日記 #空氣鳳梨 #園藝 #園藝治療 #園藝農場 #綠 #攝影 #手機攝影 #攝影日記 #霧峰
Tillandsia cyanea variegata, Wallisia cyanea variegata, inner variegata, outer variegata https://t.co/qpfu9JUifZ
Eliaksentillandsia (Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K.Koch) - Kuva: Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K.Koch (CC BY-NC-SA chemazgz) https://t.co/Fx6jK0wXlK https://t.co/tmYa9SuSMc
本日も営業しております! お店のテラリウムがだいぶ茂ってきました、水草の種を試験的に利用してみたら順調です! 上の方に今日入居したアマガエルさんが... #カフェステムス #エアープランツ のお店 #チランジア #水草の種 #プレミアムシード #水草のタネ #キアネア #マコデスペトラ #アマガエル https://t.co/ZqFE9e1izW
Wow very beautiful! I've never seen Tillandsia cyanea with such broad leaves or so many inflorescences. It could be a hybrid. #airplants #tillandsia https://t.co/IF5tjWScT0
Check out BUY 3 GET 2 FREE Pineapple Tillandsia Cyanea Seeds 50pcs Rare Purple https://t.co/H3ZjHLe7yB via @eBay
Tillandsie bleue, tillandsie à raquette (Tillandsia cyanea) https://t.co/WluLjvg0lS
This beauty right here is called Tillandsia Cyanea (don’t be ghetto and name ya kids that) she’s native to the rainforests in Ecuador, and are bright in color as to attract pollinators such as hummingbirds. She is… https://t.co/Y7GcTt2oja
[Tillandsia cyanea] @oghyunjin pink quills - , . https://t.co/BHaNx29hM4
Here are some of my more temporary solutions! I put the High-Light ones in my hanging structures I already had, including my orchid/Tillandsia cyanea basket Love how I can just place some on dangling forked, lichen covered twigs for ease of watering https://t.co/vfex9x1QVT
Gardening Tutorial: How to grow Tillandsia cyanea in trees https://t.co/mbyKzeQ9QW #gardening #epiphytes
Tillandsia Cyanea
Tucked away in the fernery @RBGSydney if you’re lucky you might see this #Tillandsia cyanea in flower. #Bromeliaceae https://t.co/k5Hlp07N0t
@smnsssssss @Roko_Chiko てかチランジアご存じなんですね・・・・! キアネアうちにありますよ!
Eliaksentillandsia (Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K.Koch) - Kuva: Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K.Koch (CC BY-NC-SA chemazgz) https://t.co/Fx6jK0wXlK https://t.co/R86l1V1oa3
Tillandsia cyanea (air plant)@lifeandscience, 1/29/19 https://t.co/0WecccjLSp
The Tillandsia cyanea I mounted on a fixture I made is just started to bloom tonight! Should be fully open and ready for pollination soon :) I'll try propagate them by seed, so I may give some away (stay tuned) https://t.co/3dzS00s3Ix
Got this Tillandsia cyanea at the weekend. I don't know how Bromeliads have passed me by for so long. https://t.co/M3uxVfze0B
Purple Rain. Wallisia cyanea (was Tillandsia cyanea) with a purple colored bract is a joy to see. Great week ahead! #tillandsiacyanea #tillandsia #wallisiacyanea #airplants #plants #plantphotography #garden #gardening https://t.co/NFkaOQJ5Ti https://t.co/28gUb8BY7Q https://t.co/dGoToe70gY