Rhi. mesembryanthemoides | persea americana | tillandsia duratii | plant cuttings | seed pod |… instagram.com/p/BTGCqxxDewP/
ティランジア ドゥラティ ジャイアント
ティランジア ドゥラティ
Few #Tillandsia species are easier to grow than T.duratii as it thrives in a wide range of #light, #water & temperature conditions.
(観葉)ティランジア ドーラティ(1株)|ROOMをコレ!しました。[楽天] http://r10.to/hWbJmw
(観葉)エアープランツ ティランジア ドーラティ Lサイズ(1株) http://ww3.ivory.ne.jp/kakuyasushop/?p=2461
#Tillandsia duratii blooms were once used in perfumes.
Our Bloom of the Day, the heavily fragrant #Tillandsia duratii! http://t.co/rgLIEfSA
Tillandsia duratii have a floral scent that is reminiscent of grape hyacinth.
Tillandsia duratii var.duratii 。花茎が動き始めて1週間で2cm伸びました。このままでは、咲くのは春先になるのか??
my #Tillandsia s Tillandsia duratii https://t.co/6UQ7TQbUd5
#Tillandsia duratii #airplants were once used by perfumeries before #WWII. http://t.co/4T6sY8vm
#Tillandsia duratii's delightfully sweet blooms were once used to make perfumes.
Th #airplant, #Tillandsia duratii, smells so wonderful that it was once used in Venezuela to make perfume.
#Tillandsia duratii is one of the easiest to grow and most successful #airplant species for the home grower.
#Tillandsia duratii has such a wonderful fragrance that it was used for perfume before #WWII!
Our Bloom of the Day, the intensely aromatic #Tillandsia duratii. http://t.co/UWyhUutf
#Tillandsia duratii has such a delightful scent that perfumes were once made from it!
#Tillandsia duratii are said to look like a flock of egrets at rest, as they stand growing in treetops.