Tillandsia flabellata https://t.co/jqNxvlAAbo
Ich könnte nicht glücklicher sein! Tillandsien ohne Ende!! Und zwei blühen sogar!! ❤️❤️ ID: #tillandsiaargentea #tillandsiacaulescens #tillandsiaflabellata #tillandsiaheteromorpha #tillandsiaionatasilver #tillandsiamontana #tillandsiapunctulata Danke, @kakteenhaage #tillandsia #tillandsie #tillandsienliebe Werbung wegen Nennung, unbezahlt.
Tillandsia flabellata. https://t.co/G7HijSy4lB https://t.co/8izoqt1mLZ
Okay I think I have finally fully planned the brom tower. Topped it off with a Tillandsia flabellata, just need the ficus pumila to slowly cover the rest of the pole! https://t.co/wkmNFyv9SR
#Tillandsia flabellata is one of the few #airplants that will also thrive in soil.
#Tillandsia flabellata is one of the few #airplants that can grow both as an #epiphyte and in the #earth.
Tillandsia flabellata rubra チランジア フラベラータ ルブラ 鉢植え推奨。水をよく好む。 https://t.co/KIBu1Gi8D3
@usneoides_jp Tillandsia flabellata チランジア フラベラータ 棚置きから鉢植えにしてから顕著に状態上がりました。 https://t.co/0GxQ3fqrWh
The flowers of #airplant #Tillandsia flabellata burst out in all directions like #fireworks. http://t.co/l4HuY7zwlO
Our Bloom of the Day is the graceful #Tillandsia flabellata. The blooms of this #airplant remind us of #fireworks! http://t.co/0W9uxxkQ
#Tillandsia flabellata is an #airplant that likes a lot of #water and can even grow in #soil!
#Tillandsia flabellata is one of a few #epiphytes that can grow in #soil as well as #air.
The #flowers of #Tillandsia flabellata are similar to #fireworks!?! http://t.co/F3Divpid
#Tillandsia flabellata is one of the few #airplants that can also be grown in soil, terrestrially.
Our Bloom of the Day, the graceful #Tillandsia flabellata. http://t.co/jIFxBPyZ
#Tillandsia flabellata is one of the few #airplants that can also live in soil.
Here are some great shots of #Tillandsia blooms, including the lovely T. flabellata. http://t.co/cTIRCQZo
Bloom of the Day, the graceful #Tillandsia flabellata http://t.co/QNLdlx2O
#Tillandsia flabellata #airplants can also be grown in soil! http://t.co/BckFKdbl4Y
Love this Tillandsia flabellata #airplant! #tillandsia #epiphyte #greenhouse #appalachiantropicals #airplants http://t.co/X5PSow4nQT