#UnDiaUnaFoto 17/28 #FebreroPlantil de @ChicoSuculentas Aloe brevifolia var. depressa https://t.co/OVUSOcFcne
Aloe brevifolia https://t.co/YtWiDvHjVi
@villa_vinita Aloe brevifolia. Could be the depressa variety (there’s a Salento town with that wonderful name). A visit to La Cutura botanical garden in Giuggianello, near Maglie can probably give the definitive answer. Cats go crazy over the flowers BTW. https://t.co/loB7v7RqVS
actually its an aloe brevifolia and i love her
アロエ 竜山錦 https://t.co/7mu2nBmMbS
@EsoClinton2 der kollege hier. ist eine aloe aristata. ich habe noch eine aloe brevifolia die das gleiche verhalten an den tag legt https://t.co/9aZfvSpC88
Aloe brevifolia https://t.co/bkdCkVEycJ
aloe brevifolia ‘short-leaved aloe MAYWARD WELCOMES 2020 #PUSHAwardsMayWards
Aún me acuerdo de cuando en bachillerato la profesora de biología nos regaló una suculenta a cada alumno y uno de mi clase me dijo "la tuya es la única que tiene pinchos " (era un aloe brevifolia)
アロエの竜山が100円だったんだけど、我が家に巨大化したクロスビーくんがいるから、ブレビフォリアくんは容姿が似ている感じがしてスルーしてしまった... やっぱ育てると違うんだろうなぁと思うと後悔が凄い
@Cynthia55678360 @1228erin @LeadwithLoveRRV @RedMajid @Gaurav0801 @JanetNestor @PureEsperanza @LisaTruthJohns @LUTLjerry @ryan51396960 @mukulnandi1972 @Lisandre_Moreau @Voieinterieure @janisexton @loveGoldenHeart @GiGiBclub @roamingpiscean @cherylcorless41 @alexdomelle @madblack65 @cassiepullman @Fsxdoll @tmotola @mindfulheal @MohdMuzzammilK @KariJoys @Inspireu2Action @melanie_korach @Laurettamylove @mscator @joybellabella @gary_hensel @eralbertson @gede_prama @MyPowertalk After the morning cloud burned off, the day became clear and hot. As a result, plants are doing great. My Aloe Brevifolia are in bloom with these brilliant orange flowers. #lifeisgood #garden #succulents #aloe #aloebrevifolia https://t.co/JK49Afk8o6
Btw... this is a brevifolia or “Short-Leaved Aloe”, it is native to South Africa and it is also nicknamed the “Crocodile Aloe”.
У меня звание «Aloe Brevifolia» за тест «Which Succulent Matches Your Personality?» А у вас? https://t.co/yhcNJF6tOc
aloe brevifolia https://t.co/M83Xs4skop
У меня звание «Aloe Brevifolia» за тест «Which Succulent Matches Your Personality?» А у вас? https://t.co/cC1ninCjUZ
Mis nuevas suculentas: 1.- Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg. 2.- Aloe Brevifolia. Son hermosísimas https://t.co/Bv4OujWDVE
Me: I already have more plants than my 1 window can accommodate in winter Also me: Literally cannot leave this beautiful monster sitting in a dark corner at Lowes. Labeled "Aloe 'Alligator'" - my guess is Aloe brevifolia, but idk really https://t.co/PhPtCNMwYh
Spent all afternoon bottling ferns,Aeonium & potting Crassula tetragona, agyroderma, Aloe brevifolia & Kalanchoe puplets for Xmas presents
アロエ 竜山 何の変哲もないですが、丈夫なんで良いと思います。 https://t.co/aap5anfs2u