Aloe ciliaris季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -3℃ |
開花時期 | 春夏秋冬 |
ワシントン条約 低リスク 輸出入制限
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Aloe ciliaris is blooming now - definitely one of the more unusual plants for your conservatory. https://t.co/fg8E7pONiC
Thinking about a couple of my basic plants friends. Bigger pots. Maybe trellis the Devil's Ivy. Support for the Aloe Ciliaris to climb. Exciting stuff, accessorizing plant life.
@kelvinOdell Aloe Ciliaris. I'm selling the suckers https://t.co/c0T8oghDAR
@dasani_bottle very likely a climbing aloe, maybe aloe ciliaris