10 Seeds Aloe cryptopoda Air Purification Plant #Aloe https://t.co/oVAeujiI4e https://t.co/mJglpkdaVV
I got this little collection of plants recently, potted them up this morning. Euphorbia antisyphilitica, Sedum pachyphyllum, Agave macrocantha, Aloe nobilis, Aloe cryptopoda, Agave celsii and Pachyphytum fittkaui (no photo) All to see how well they grow here. Gardening is a lifelong experiment! #aloecryptopoda #aloenobilis #agavecelsii #agavemacrocantha #sedumpachyphyllum #pachyphytumfittkaui #euphorbiaantisyphilitica #succulents #drygarden #trynewplants
あとこれもアロエ。黒太刀(くろたち) https://t.co/4eFk6qH5DR
#アロエ #クリプトポダ Aloe cryptopoda 南アフリカ https://t.co/RyTVUXP4mI
Aloe cryptopoda / Spire aloe Desert Botanical Garden Phoenix, Arizona https://t.co/r2Bclu4F4b
Popular on 500px : Aloe cryptopoda by brunohecht https://t.co/xQFk0Da3YZ
Wow! I just won this for free, Aloe Cryptopoda http://t.co/h4vyMPB4az #listia
こちらは以前頂いたアロエ。黒太刀と言う和名だとか。良い♪(´ε` ) https://t.co/bcOjipc83C
@kamemushi_jp Aloe cryptopoda了解です! あと、erytrophyllaって書いてあるのはerythrophylla? 白っぽい方がschistophilaであってますかね? 写真あげときます!