@UK_Boothby Well Aloe striatula is absolutely hardy, and Aloe polyphylla is meant to be too, though I suspect it would struggle with winter rain. Opuntias are good though, yes ☺️
Plant of the week 2022 No.2: Aloiampelos striatula Formally known as Aloe striatula, this is almost certainly the best 'Aloe' for planting outside in the UK climate. Yellow flowers are produced in summer. Photo taken just recently in a rare burst of sunshine! https://t.co/yroEDDZiHI
Aloiampelos striatula, formerly Aloe Striatula, the hardy aloe or striped-stemmed aloe, is a sturdy succulent plant that naturally occurs on the summits of mountains along the south of the Karoo region of South Africa. #botany Photo : Aloe Striatula https://t.co/FOA33vwLQP
@acherontiadex I do wish there was a variegated Aloe striatula though, it would make a really interesting garden plant.
@acherontiadex I've not seen a variegated Aloe striatula before. Are you going to grow it outside?
The mythical hero. #aloehercules #pigsaloe #pigsaloehercules #aloe #applepieridgeranch #pigsbarrelgarden #succulentgarden #plantoftheday #plantporn #redwoodcanyon #aloestriatula #alluaudiaprocera #aloeferox
@asagorodayo8314 アロエ・ストリアツラです(最近 Aloe→Aloiampelos striatula に学名が変わりました) キダチアロエよりも寒さに強く-5℃でも凍みません。ウチでは一部露地植えにしてます
①②元装備素ステ ③復讐者100+氷絶零 ④復讐者100+青嵐 復讐者70→100でATK500も上がった✨アロエさん本当にありがとうございます(*´˘`*) https://t.co/BX0dwhCx05
We've got a Christmas Aloe now. This is a hardy species, Aloe striatula, but I'm not going to plant it out until spring so it might as well make itself useful. #aloe #succulents #houseplants #FoliageFriday https://t.co/URWpgbEga1
Aloe striatula var. caesia wd52t.app.goo.gl/1F85kDz0v7m11R…
@hajitan06211 サボテン・多肉は基本暖かくですが、中にはとてつもなく寒さに強いものもあるんですね 例えば寒いととけるアロエだと、超耐寒性のストリアツラや雪かぶってもOKなポリフィラがありますよ(^o^)
@RS_MCIHort Nice. I've found both aloe striatula and aloe aristata to be hardy in the Midlands.
Meanwhile on the garden the variegated common spotted orchid, aloe striatula and knifophia thomsonii https://t.co/DGGJ78mi88
大きい方のAloe striatulaも咲き始めた。黄色い花は元気が出る。 2本は同じクローンだろうか?(確かめない…) pic.twitter.com/9km0M1zJJz
数年ぶりに開化。黄花のAloe striatula。 pic.twitter.com/JM5n9ftZE3
土曜ZAPPA! オハヨゴザイマス。Aloe striatulaのツボミです。 #zappa813 #jwave #ohayo pic.twitter.com/EYuctLxpU4
Aloe striatulaからツクシが出てきた。 pic.twitter.com/E29ronK4iD
寒さに強いと定評のある Aloe striatula でも葉先は枯れます。 pic.twitter.com/sKBVI2TG70
Aloe striatula. First blooming. twitpic.com/aehflu
http://t.co/5bVou5C8p0 #BonneAffaire #Deals_FR-Aloe striatula var caesia. Rare succulent plant. http://t.co/W8r5b68Qym